New Graphics Technology DLAA from NVIDIA

Working on Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing technology (DLAA), NVIDIA has now started testing this feature in the Elder Scrolls Online game. Especially with RTX GPUs will develop further.

NVIDIA comes up with a new technology to the players, the name of this technology DLAA. As the name suggests, DLAA, the brother of DLSS technology, has also started to be tested in the Elder Scrolls Online game.

DLAA abbreviation Deep Learning Anti Alicing passes as. In-game images DLSS Thanks to this feature, which organizes it in a similar way with

The goal is not to improve performance:

From ZeniMax Online studios Rich Lambert, when talking about DLAA “You won’t get any performance improvement from it, but you will definitely get an incredible anti-aliasing.” said. If this is the first place we can see these images Elder Scrolls Online it will be.

NVIDIA released a new graphics driver today. With this update DLSS Along with the new games that have support for Windows 11, the drivers of games such as Deathloop have also been updated. In addition, DLAA testing has started for the Elder Scrolls Online test server.


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Elder Scrolls Online In addition to the new NVIDIA GPU drivers, test players will be able to use the DLAA feature if they have an RTX 2000 or RTX 3000 series graphics card. The feature will arrive in Update 32 of the massive online multiplayer role-playing game. This update was also released today, and testers with the appropriate system, DLSS along with the DLAA option.

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When we look at DLAA technology in more detail, NVIDIA’s Thanks to deep learning technology, instead of scaling the image to enlarge, artificial intelligence will correct the distortions in the images and make the edges softer.

If this feature works as NVIDIA says it will work in games clean and realistic images can provide an important breakthrough. Moreover, it can eliminate it with no or minimal drop in performance.

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