Exposure to Light During Sleep Increases Disease Risk

Do you like to sleep with a night light? Or leaving the TV on while you sleep? If these are involved in your sleep processes, you might want to review it because, according to a recent study, leaving the light on while you sleep is actually very harmful for your body.

Sleep is a benevolent, almost all of us love it. Indeed, considering people’s health, sleep has a very important place. When we don’t get a good sleep, that day goes very badly and we can be irritable.

There are many methods of quality sleep, one of them is nothing in the environment you sleep in. absence of light. In fact, researchers at the University of Northwestern Medicine, according to a new study, the presence of light during sleep is beyond quality sleep. can affect your health very badly. they revealed.

What happens if we persistently keep light in the sleeping environment?

Scientists at Northwestern Medicine have found that even a small amount of light while you sleep may affect your cardiovascular balance. and when you wake up insulin resistance that you can increase They discovered evidence of This too risk of high blood pressure and diabetes means.

Sleep medicine professor Dr. Phyllis Zee “The results of this study, even if it’s just one night during sleep shows that exposure to room lighting can impair glucose and cardiovascular regulation, which are risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.” says.

Diabetes and high blood pressure risk


Dr. Phyllis Zee “It’s important for people to avoid or minimize the amount of light exposure during sleep” says. heart rate in general at night we falls while sleeping and when we’re exposed to the sun in the morning rises and according to the secretion our nervous system is activated It is possible. However, the same effect is during sleep. when we are exposed to light may also occur.

Co-author of the study, Dr. Daniela Grimaldi “When the light is on your autonomic nervous system kicks in even when you’re asleep and this is bad. Generally, your heart rate is lower at night and higher during the day, along with other cardiovascular parameters. he adds. In other words, if there is light in the environment while you sleep, your risk of high blood pressure increases considerably.


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It was also revealed in the study that people who were exposed to light while sleeping could show signs of insulin resistance when they woke up. This is your body’s energy supply in your bloodstream. inability to use glucose and the pancreas to the body to compensate can cause it to send more insulin and this over time May lead to type 2 diabetes.

So what should we do for a healthier sleep?

sleep mask

To improve the quality of your sleep and to have a healthier metabolism when you wake up, in your next sleep make sure you turn off all lights and television. Even better, a sleep mask buy and completely dark Make sure you are sleeping in an environment. Since the key point here is the eyes, no light should enter your eyes. Rest assured your body will be thankful for it.

Also, especially Going to sleep between 22:00 – 23:00According to scientists, it is described as the ‘healthiest hour’. A large-scale study on this subject shows that sleep hours have an effect on heart diseases and that these time zones are the healthiest hours. In addition, taking care to go to bed and wake up at the same times every day and getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day for adults is also a critical point, according to scientists.

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