Web 3.0 Criticism From Elon Musk, Response From Jack Dorsey!

Known as the richest person in the world Elon MuskHe is also known for being active on Twitter. Musk, who often makes irony in his Twitter posts, this time hit his target. Web 3.0put the . As it is known, Elon Musk is a close follower of Dogecoin, which is known as “troll” and “joke coin” in the crypto world.

Elon Musk, in his last tweet, “Has anyone seen Web3?” He tweeted, “I am researching the biggest trend in crypto after NFTs and the metaverse.”

Web 3.0 technologies are a technology that represents the next generation internet technology that will be at the forefront of the internet. Even blockchain and crypto are integral to web 3.0, which Musk seems to be a huge fan of. Thus, the latest trolling spree, former Twitter CEO and an avid Bitcoin advocate Jack Dorsey caught everyone’s attention.

Dorsey has often invited Elon Musk to debate in the past, particularly during Dorsey’s B-word conference. Dorsey also responded to the trolling with a cheeky tweet, saying: “He’s somewhere between a and z.”

Musk trolled NFTs a few days ago

Musk is known for making fun of “things he doesn’t understand” and another crypto trend in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is definitely one of them. NFTs rose to newfound popularity with several early digital collectibles selling for millions of dollars in 2021. However, there are still many who understand the idea that people pay millions of dollars for JPEGs, and Musk seems to be one of them.

On December 16, Musk released another “meme (joke)” exploring the idea of ​​NFTs, according to Tesla’s company, which is notorious for selling perfectly normal stuff at exorbitant prices, whether it’s a flamethrower, a hat, or a silk boxer.

The crypto community is divided in attitude towards Musk given his Twitter antics. Musk became an overnight hero for the crypto community when Tesla first announced that they would accept BTC payment, but that was reversed shortly after Tesla canceled the BTC payment option.

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