Statement from EMRA on Fuel Prices

EMRA has made a statement regarding the recent hikes in fuel oil. In its statement, EMRA stated that it does not directly interfere with prices.

As you know fuel pricesWith the successive hikes in gasoline and diesel, it has been on the agenda for a while. Fuel prices, which is one of the expenditures that the citizens have revolted the most recently and that burns their pockets the most, have been on the rise after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine crisis. unbalanced it took a turn.

Fuel prices have recently been reduced; The first 2.38 TL discount for diesel was followed by a 1.76 TL discount for gasoline and 0.93 TL discount for diesel again. In the statements that came this morning, it was claimed that fuel prices would be reduced once again. According to the claim made by journalist Alaattin Alataş, the new discount, which will be reflected in the price of 0.62 TL per liter of gasoline, and 1 TL per liter of diesel fuel. tonight was promised to happen. After these fluctuations in fuel prices, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) explanation came.

“EMRA has no direct intervention in these prices”

EMRA President Mustafa Yilmazmet with the representatives of the distribution and dealer associations of the fuel sector (PET-DER, PÜİS, ADER, TABGİS). Fuel industry status of and has been around for a while margin sharing After the meeting in which the subject was discussed, Yılmaz made some statements.

Yilmaz said in a statement. “First of all, we would like to emphasize once again that fuel prices are formed in free market conditions. The most important share in this formation is oil prices and movements in foreign exchange. In addition, prices take their final form with taxes and distributor + dealer share. EMRA, which has the task of constantly monitoring price formation,” at these prices a direct intervention is out of the question. However, in order to prevent the consumers from being victimized in case of detection of violations of the formulation in the distributor+dealer margins, EMRA’s ceiling price authorization exists by law. It is possible to reach the dealer-dealer fuel prices on the website of our institution, day by day. made statements.

Ceiling price application may come to the agenda again

Liquid fuel

In the statement made by EMRA after the meeting, it was recorded as follows:

“Our public should know that the distributor and dealer margins within the fuel prices are still reasonable is at one level. These amounts are definitely not at a level that will cause the bankruptcy and closure of the dealers as claimed, and even put our country in a fuel problem. Expecting a great profit in the process we are going through should not be seen as a realistic approach for our industry. Evaluating the latest data on dealer and distributor ratios in price formations at today’s meeting, Yılmaz said; In case they detect unreasonable profit increases in sales prices despite the decrease in oil prices, the “ceiling price” application may come up again reminded.

EMRA Chairman Yılmaz; emphasized that distributors should support dealers with position disadvantages and low tonnage “in accordance with the sharing culture” in margin distribution.

“Dealers who victimize the consumer will face heavy sanctions”

Liquid fuel

“On the other hand, we will be able to solve the margin sharing problem without burdening our consumers. alternatives was also discussed at the meeting. The most important of these is the sharing of the refinery premium between distributors and dealers with a prudent and well-intentioned understanding. At the meeting, the evaluations that the dealers were victimized in the sales made with the vehicle identification system (TTS) were also noted. Distributors related to TTS, which EMRA also conducts a study, have a logic that will create an overload for the dealers. not moving need to be reminded. “ In the continuation of the statement, EMRA noted as follows:

Meanwhile, consumers and public vehicles within the scope of TTS even ambulances Complaints that some dealers do not want to provide fuel have reached our institution. Necessary investigation has been started regarding the said dealers, and the dealers who victimize the consumer with heavy sanction will encounter. The issue of fuel sales by credit card was also brought up at the meeting. The issue of high pricing for credit card sales and discounted pricing for cash sales, which has been mentioned by some sector representatives before, is an issue of EMRA. in the field of duty is not.

In accordance with the relevant law, the “amount paid in single withdrawals with a credit card” cannot be different from the “amount paid in cash” for any commodity. The majority of consumers purchase fuel products with a credit card. This request is for those who buy fuel with a credit card. punishing consumers will mean. Acting with the common sense of our dealers and distributors, who are valuable representatives of our fuel industry, we discuss the margin sharing issue “without any expectations that will be a burden on the consumer”. amongst themselves possible to solve. Finally, we would like to express that; neither in these days when oil prices display an unstable outlook, nor in the future, it will affect the formation of fuel prices. any regulation against the consumer may be to go.


‘Raises Will Reflect on the Pump’: 4 Ways to Save Money in the Rain of Fuel Raises

Source :,1021375

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