Nintendo Switch got its share from the chip crisis! How about console sales?

Many sectors have been affected by the global chip crisis that has erupted all over the world. While companies spend a lot of time in this process to respond to the demand from users, after a certain period of time, they realize that this is not possible, slow down production seriously or go to some restrictions. We can say that the game industry is also affected by this situation.

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How about Nintendo Switch sales?

Nintendo Switch, which was released in 2017 and quickly made its mark among the most successful game consoles in history, was also affected by the global chip crisis. According to Nintendo CEO Shuntaro Furukawa, the crisis has greatly increased component prices and made console production more expensive than ever before.

Nintendo Switch console sales
Nintendo Switch console sales

Nintendo Switch’s recent sales successes do not fully satisfy Nintendo, according to the statements made. Because in the last quarter of last year, the standard version managed to sell 5.34 million, the Lite version 1.34 million, and the OLED version, which was introduced in July, managed to sell 3.99 million million. The sales of the Standard and Lite versions, on the other hand, decreased significantly compared to the same period of last year.

Stating that the chip crisis has a direct effect on costs, Nintendo CEO Shuntaro Furukawa used the following statements;

The last ingredient shortage is causing costs to rise. Although the increase is gradual, it directly affects our gross profit. Looking at the full year, we anticipate that the impact will be small this fiscal year, but if costs continue at the same levels in the next fiscal year, we expect hardware profit to decline in line with this fiscal year.

So what do you think about this subject? Do you agree with the statements of Nintendo CEO Shuntaro Furukawa? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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