Foods Good for Nausea

Even though it varies from person to person, everyone has experienced nausea at some point in their life. You can cure nausea, which greatly reduces the quality of life and can occur due to many different reasons, with self-administered methods at home. Let’s take a closer look at the foods that are good for nausea.

Nausea, which is as common as a headache, has been a scourge for everyone at some point in their lives, whether they are children or adults. Nausea, which occurs due to many different reasons, can end up to vomiting. Let’s open a parenthesis at this point and People who experience frequent intense nausea Let us remind you that they should go to the nearest health institution and be examined by a specialist doctor.

Of course, you do not need to rush to the doctor for the slightest nausea. Nausea is among the most common ailments and has numerous causes. Therefore, try to heal in a short time by applying some simple methods that you can apply yourself at home. Rest assured, this problem will be resolved soon. Bride foods good for nausea and let’s take a closer look at the methods you can apply.

Foods that are good for nausea:


If you have vomiting and fever accompanied by nausea, drinking plenty of water will be the best option. Because you lose fluids in cases such as vomiting and diarrhea You have to make up for it by drinking water. Even on an ordinary day, if you don’t drink enough water, headaches and nausea will be inevitable. Therefore, do not forget to drink water regularly, not all at once, but throughout the day.


Ginger, which is considered a miraculous stomach medicine by Asians, is one of the most effective foods against nausea. By interacting with your central nervous system and stomach quickly eliminates the negative effects of nausea. You can cut a thin slice of fresh ginger and put it in your mouth, suck it slowly or make tea from the dried one. Be careful not to consume too much because it can have irritating consequences.

Foods such as crackers and toast

Hunger is the main cause of many nausea, especially pregnancy-induced nausea. Empty stomach acid causes nausea. Since eating heavy meals when you are already feeling nauseous can make it even more uncomfortable, it is best to eat foods that are both odorless, satisfying and absorb stomach acid, such as saltine crackers or toast. You can literally save lives by keeping a pretzel in your bag in case of such situations.

chicken soup

Meat and chicken broth

The fact that meat and chicken broth is good for nausea may vary from person to person, because these juices are also quite oily and may bother some people. Common cold and similar He knows that soups made from meat and chicken stock are good for nausea. However, as we said, it can have the opposite effect, so you should try a few times and find out whether it really works for you or not.


Even a small banana is nutritious, filling, delicious, rich in potassium, vitamin B6 and carbohydrates. Since it is very difficult to eat when you are sick and feel nauseous. with a nutritious fruit like a banana You can refresh yourself. It has been observed that bananas have a rapid positive effect, especially in people who experience chronic nausea.


If you’re experiencing vomiting and diarrhea along with nausea, applesauce may be exactly the food you’re looking for. Apple puree recommended for nausea and diarrhea, especially for children, When eaten with cottage cheese in the morning, it minimizes the nausea experienced during the day. Be sure to prepare applesauce with only the fruit itself, without added sugar.

potato rice

Rice and potatoes

Rice and potatoes are the most effective foods against nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, as they are foods high in starch. Since they are colorless and odorless, they do not trigger nausea. You can enjoy it by flavoring it with light spices without adding oil or similar heavy sauces. If you think meat and chicken stock is good for you, you can also use it to flavor rice and potatoes.

high protein foods

Even if high-protein foods do not directly affect nausea, by enriching your daily diet program with high protein foods You can reduce your chronic nausea. Studies conducted on women who experience nausea from pregnancy have shown that people who consume high-protein foods instead of carbohydrates have greatly reduced nausea.

Herbal teas

When it comes to nausea, the first herbal tea that comes to mind will of course be mint – lemon. The exact cause is not known scientifically, but the stomach drinking peppermint or chamomile tea during nausea It really does reduce nausea. Squeezing a little lemon and adding some honey to these teas increases the effect even more. However, you may need to do a little trial and error as it won’t have the same effect on everyone.


Precautions to be taken against nausea:

  • Do not stay hungry for a long time, eat small things every 1-2 hours.
  • Take care to eat slowly and in small amounts.
  • Do not lie down for 30 minutes after eating, sit down without putting pressure on your stomach.
  • Ventilate the kitchen to remove irritating odors while preparing food.
  • Brush your teeth regularly and use sugar-free mint dragees.

Foods that people with nausea should avoid:

  • fatty foods
  • fried foods
  • spicy food
  • Strong smelling foods
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine

Such foods in general cause nausea in humans. However, this situation may vary from person to person. Make a note of the foods that you think trigger your nausea and try to stay away from them as much as possible.

One of the most common ailments We have listed the foods that are good for nausea and we talked about the measures you can take against this problem. What we describe is for informational purposes only. If you are experiencing frequent intense nausea, you should go to the nearest health institution and be examined by a specialist doctor.

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