What Does The Bitcoin News From New York Indicate?

The second cryptocurrency-friendly name elected as mayor in the USA after Miami Eric Adams It acts exactly as expected.

Adams was recently officially elected as the next mayor, and being able to hold a position like this in a city like New York is certainly of the utmost importance.

New York Caught By Cryptocurrency Wind

Mayor of Miami Francis Suarez Emphasizing yesterday that it will take a similar step after launching its city-specific cryptocurrency, Adams, now he has revealed that he will follow a similar path again.

After Suarez announced that he will receive a salary with Bitcoin, Adams tweeted about this, emphasizing that he will receive his next salary and his first three salaries in Bitcoin.

Adams had previously emphasized that he would be in a friendly rivalry with Suarez, and now he has shown how ambitious he is, with a move that goes three times beyond Suarez.

Stating that New York will be the center of the crypto money industry, Adams also stated that this city will not be limited to the crypto money industry. With the steps Adams has taken, it seems that he is definitely aiming to increase the effectiveness of the USA in the crypto money sector.

How Could BTC Be Affected?

So what does this news from New York actually indicate? The leading cryptocurrency, which was far from even attracting the attention of institutional investors in the past years, now attracts the attention of public institutions directly.

After states such as El Salvador invested in Bitcoin, the important names of the cities that stand out with technology in the USA point to BTC, which indicates that big states may take similar steps soon.

Bitcoin is now becoming a real institutional asset and due to the limited supply, this could bring a serious spike in price. As JPMorgan analysts have reiterated, such a supply-demand balance will climb the ladder to $100,000 and above for Bitcoin.

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