Using simple passwords on smartphones is prohibited!

It has happened to all of us, when we buy a new device, we often change the password to “12345We do something simple like ”. But now this era is coming to an end in England. The UK Ministry of Science, Innovation and Technology has taken a new step to protect consumers from cyber attacks. Now, it is forbidden to protect all devices connected to the internet with weak passwords. So, simple passwords are becoming history.

Minister of Science and Technology Jonathan Berry is quite assertive on this issue. According to him, this law A world first. Berry aims to make the UK one of the safest places in the world for internet use. With these laws, smart device owners will now be able to breathe easier because they will be able to better protect their devices against possible hacker attacks.

This new law also challenges manufacturers. They also now have to use strong encryption systems in the devices they produce. In this way, it will be easier to protect your devices from cybercriminals. If simple passwords continue to be used, one day you may even need to put a strong password on your coffee machine.

Forgot your password? Is it expired?  WhatsApp passkey feature

Forgot your password? Is it expired? WhatsApp passkey feature

WhatsApp came out with its new passkey feature. Although the feature is currently only available on Android, it provides important protection.

While banning the use of simple passwords is an important step forward in cybersecurity, there are other precautions individuals and organizations can take. First of all, for all devices complicated And unique Creating passwords is one of the most effective ways to reduce security risks.

Storing these passwords using password managers and updating them regularly can make it easier for users. Moreover, two-factor authentication (2FA), will greatly prevent unauthorized access by adding an additional layer of protection to accounts. It is also important for organizations to organize cyber security training and raise awareness of employees about potential threats.

This type of training plays a critical role, especially in protecting against social engineering attacks. Finally, keeping security software up to date and performing regular system scans provides a proactive defense against cyber threats.

The bottom line is that security is becoming more and more important in the world of technology and the UK has taken an important step in this regard. Let’s see if other countries will follow these steps. What do you think about this ban? Don’t forget to share your opinions.

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