Coffee Discovered Good for Seasonal Depression

An Italy-based study was conducted on coffee. Research has revealed that drinking coffee every 4 hours is good for mental health.

Officials of the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee, one of the world’s largest addictions, coffee conducted a study on In the study conducted by scientists working at the University of Catania serving in Italy, a remarkable fact was reached. In the aforementioned study, it was understood that drinking coffee was good for seasonal affective disorder. Especially cases of depression increasing as the days get shorter, seems to be reduced thanks to coffee.

The research in question; living in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Finland, Italy and Poland With the participation of 5,000 people carried out. Within the scope of the research, it was revealed that drinking coffee every 4 hours was good for mood disorders. People who drink coffee every 4 hours suffer from mood problems such as malaise, depression, loss of motivation and irritability. they were less impressed.

Coffee also helps to stay fit.

According to scientists, 75 mg of caffeine to be taken every 4 hours, able to continuously improve mood has potential. In addition, the amount corresponding to a cup of coffee helps to be more fit during the day, not having sleep problems and will improve cognitive behavior have effect. So what do the numbers in the research say?


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Twenty percent of the participants in the study stated that their mood improved after drinking coffee. 29 percent of the participants energetic he was feeling Another 21 percent said they stayed awake with coffee and concentrated better after drinking coffee. Leading researcher Giuseppe grosso if “Evidence that coffee polyphenols can cross the blood-brain barrier, exert anti-neuroinflammatory effects, and even promote neurogenesis, thus leading to a reduced risk of both cognitive and emotional impairment. there is evidence.” said.

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