‘Apple Car’ Stolen Before It Was Introduced: Here Are Confessions

Xiaolang Zhang, who worked on Apple’s secret car project for three years, admitted to stealing information from the company. It turned out that Zhang transferred the 24 GB file and circuit boards to the China-based company Xpeng.

While information theft among giant companies has been on the agenda from time to time, the biggest of these has been on the agenda in the past months. Engineer working on Apple’s secret autonomous car project Xiaolang ZhangWhen he moved to China-based Guangzhou Xiaopeng Motors Technology, also known as ‘Xpeng’, he brought with him many important information and equipment took it too.

Apple, in the information it shared as a result of its investigation, Zhang’s total 24GB in size He explained that he had detected that he had transferred the ‘too problematic’ file to his wife’s computer. What’s more, Zhang took with him circuit boards and a server from the company’s autonomous car lab, along with the files he had stolen with AirDrop.

The engineer admitted his guilt:

Zhang, who worked on the project between 2015 and 2018, confessed to his crime according to the latest shared details. Although the details of the confession agreement between Zhang and Apple were not shared, it was announced that the conference to determine the punishment to be given to Zhang will be held on November 14. Stealing trade secrets under US law, to a maximum of 10 years in prison corresponds. According to CNBC, Zhang could be fined a quarter of a million dollars.

Apple has hosted the theft of trade secrets before:

Apple also had a problem with a former Apple employee in 2019. Moreover, this information also belongs to the autonomous vehicle project and was transferred to Xpeng. your employee it tries to steal manuals, diagrams, diagrams and photos was specified. It is known that the investigation against the employee is still ongoing.

Well, you can take a look at our news below to have an idea about the Xpeng company, where the ‘Apple Car’ information was leaked.


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