Why Do Crocodiles’ Mouths Always Open?

We have often seen in documentaries that crocodiles stand with their mouths open. So what is the reason for this behavior?

Of course in the animal kingdom Just as there are very logical reasons behind every behavior There’s a reason why alligators do this.

Whatever the answer, these behaviors it’s pretty weird apparent.

Now let’s get to the reason.

A crocodile resting under the sun with its mouth open, In fact, he uses the cooling method that nature offers him. it could be.

Scientists say that this behavior of crocodiles is He states that it is an effort to protect from extreme heat. Cooling down is part of the survival strategy of these large predators.

crocodile bird

However, crocodiles keeping their mouths open is not just for cooling down. Some small bird species, by cleaning the debris accumulated in the teeth of crocodiles They both find food for themselves and contribute to the oral health of crocodiles. So between them There is a symbiotic relationship we can say.

So do they never bite?


For example, sometimes people who take care of wild animals, We have rarely seen a crocodile attack. or we have heard of it. But mostly alligators do not attack much.

Animal caretakers handle dangerous animal species They are trained on how to interact safely. They are usually not interested in attacking, but sudden movements may trigger the hunter instinct and make them tend to attack.

The biggest example of this You can see it in the video below. (Starts at 0:57.)

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