Why Do Truck Horns Work With Pulling a Rope?

In movie scenes or in real life, we see truck drivers honking by pulling a rope over their heads instead of pressing the steering wheel.

One of the indispensables of the logistics industry trucksThey can come up with very interesting equipment. Remember the trucks in movie scenes; driver to honk at the top of your head stretches a rope. The horn, which is on the steering wheel in standard cars, may also be overhead in some trucks.

So why is there such a thing? After all, both trucks and passenger cars automotive engineers being produced by. In addition, when we look at the consoles of today’s trucks, we do not see anything different from passenger cars. Come together, one of the indispensables for truckers. overhead horns Let’s take a closer look.

Thinking that trucks actually only have overhead horns not true.

In the image, you see the interior design of a Scania R series truck. Just like cars, trucks also have standard horns. These horns work like those in a passenger car, and the sounds they make are similar to passenger car horns. is similar.

If trucks have a standard horn, what is the reason for the horn on the head?

These, “air horn“. Moreover, these air horns are not only in trucks, but also in transportation vehicles such as trains, ferries and ships. One of the horns used in passenger cars. much louder Air horns can also have different melodies.

The principle of operation of air horns is different from that of passenger cars.

Air Horn

air horns; it doesn’t work like the electric horns we all have in our cars today, to high air pressure needs. High pressure air remains trapped in a “pressure chamber”. A valve that allows air to escape from this pressure chamber. valve exists. When the valve is released, inside the horn “diaphragmThe so-called “material vibrates and creates sound waves. This sound wave is the result of the air horn”throatIt passes by rising from the “” and disperses to the environment. This is exactly the sound of “dari dari” that you are all hearing right now.

air horn diagram

How is compressed air supplied? Is there an oxygen cylinder?

In the years when technology was not as developed as it is now, the air horn system in trucks to air brake systems was integrated. The driver could also use the compressed air, which also slowed down the vehicle, for the air horn.

That’s where the pulled threads come into play.

truck drivers horn rope

We said that high pressure air reaches the diaphragm with the help of a valve; This is where the sound comes out. Here’s what we often see in movies The thread tensioning process ensures that this valve is opened exactly..

Years ago, it was used in cars and trucks. mechanical systems were predominant. Everything was not digital and electronic as it is now. There were no functional steering wheels either. Here are the air horns that work with a rope, especially in America at that time. has become a culture. That culture has survived to the present day, and truck drivers can have air horns installed on their vehicles, even though it is forbidden to use them.


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Compressor horn

*A product we show as an example. There are also models with much larger compressors.

However, for today’s air horns, of course, we need rope tensioning and integrating it into the brake system. there is no need. Because if you look at the air horn systems sold on the internet, you will see that many of them have their own air compressors. Compressors that plug directly into the battery or cigarette lighter can be powered by a button or for nostalgia they are produced with rope and can be used for air horn.

Here are the air horns of some trucks that make different sounds:


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