Young Population Statistics in Turkey [Güncel]

TÜİK shared the results of the “Youth with Statistics” study. Within the scope of the research, important data about the young population was provided.

Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), “Youth with Statistics” shared the results of his research titled “. The study conducted within the scope of the Address Based Population Registration System, related to young population provides important data.

According to TUIK’s research, those between the ages of 15-24 in Turkey 12 million 872 thousand 39 people is available. Accordingly, the ratio of the young population to the entire population was recorded as 15.1 percent. Additionally, 30.3 percent of the young population was between the ages of 15-17. 51.3 percent of young people were men and 48.7 percent were women. Life expectancy for individuals aged 15 today is 63.5 years It was estimated as .

The province with the highest young population: Hakkari

The research shows that the province with the highest young population ratio is Hakkari revealed that it is. This was followed by Şırnak, Siirt, Bayburt and Ağrı. On the other hand; The province with the lowest rate of young population is Balikesir It was recorded as. Muğla, Ordu, Kırklareli and Giresun were also among the provinces with a low young population rate.


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22.5 percent of young people neither study nor work!

According to TÜİK’s research, 22.5 percent of young people between the ages of 15-24 are neither studying nor working. There is important data for women here. So much so that 29.8 percent of young women are neither studying nor working. The unemployment rate among young people is recorded as 17.4 percent. When we look at the young working population, it was determined that a significant portion of them, 55.3 percent, were in the service sector. The service sector was followed by the industrial sector with 31.1 percent. According to research satisfied with his job The rate of young people is 75.2 percent.

The rate of those who think they are healthy is 86.8 percent

Turkish youth

Within the scope of the research, the young population 86.8 percent A significant portion of them said that they were satisfied with their current health condition. The rate of satisfaction with the current health status was recorded as 89.1 percent for men and 84.4 percent for women. However, in the young population obesity of the rate Let’s also mention the fact that it is rising. The obesity rate of the young population was recorded as 5 percent according to 2022 data.

Only 54 percent of young people are happy

According to TÜİK data, the young population 54 percent, describes himself as happy. 33.3 percent of young people say they are neither happy nor unhappy, and 12.7 percent say they are unhappy. 52.7 percent of young men and 55.4 percent of young women feel happy. The things that make young people happiest are: health, success and love. Money made 12.5 percent of young people happy.

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