Why Doesn’t Our Arm and Leg Hair Grow As Long As Our Hair?

When we cut our arm and leg hair, it grows as if a certain limit has been set, right? However, when it comes to our hair, they continue to grow. Okay but why?

Otherwise, the situation we are talking about is Is it just an aesthetic coincidence or Is there a more complex biological mechanism behind it?

In fact, this difference in our bodies is There is a very interesting scientific explanation…

Our hair grows in certain cycles.

These cycles begin with the accumulation of cells in the hair follicles and hair strands are formed. on our scalp hair grows by being fed by blood circulation and grows approximately 1.27 centimeters each month.

But this The elongation process does not last forever. The anagen phase, the hair growth phase, lasts only a few years, depending on genetic factors.

The longer the anagen phase lasts the hair grows that long too. This phase can range from 2 to 6 years.

For example, at the end of the anagen phase, which lasts 2 years, the hair becomes approximately 0.48 centimeters long; In the 6-year phase, this length may triple.

Our body hair, unlike the hair on our heads, has a much shorter anagen phase.

in our body The hair growth cycle only takes a few weeks. For this reason, arm and leg hair cannot grow as long as the hair on our heads.

the hair on our heads, protect us against sun rays or keep sweat away from our eyes It is thought to serve a biological purpose such as

But arms and legs Since our hairs do not have such a function, They don’t need to stretch for long.

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