Why Are New Movies Released on Fridays?

When you’re waiting for a new movie, your mind always goes to Friday, right? Do you know what is the reason for this customary day?

In the world of cinema, the release date of new films has been determined by a tradition that has been going on for years. Below that of course dynamics of the cinema industry lies.

Then why on Fridays? to television or movie theaters Let’s look at the reason why we flock.

Hollywood studios are leading the charge.

In the past, movie theaters usually started their weekly screening programs on Fridays. In this situation last working day of the week Friday has become a time for moviegoers to catch up with new movies. Over time, the tradition became accepted worldwide and began to be implemented in other countries.

One of the most important reasons behind choosing Friday is the start of the weekend holiday. After working all week, resting on Friday evening, relieve stress And who among us doesn’t prefer to go to the cinema to have fun?

For this reason, when movies are released on Fridays, movie theaters are closed throughout the weekend. attracts large audiences and this increases ticket sales.

Its Friday release also affects box office revenues.

The release of a new movie is usually accompanied by a wide with promotional campaign is supported. Many media organizations, from social media to radio stations, are covering and promoting the films that will be released on Friday. This positively affects the film’s first weekend box office performance.

Thus, the results obtained over the weekend box office revenue, It has an important place in the box office figures announced on Monday. The main reason for this is that first weekend box office numbers are considered a critical indicator in measuring the success of a movie.

For all these reasons, producers and distributors prefer to release their films on Fridays. highest box office figures aims to achieve.

So, which day do you prefer to go to a newly released movie?

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