Why Do We Make Random Doodles When We’re Bored?

Some of us cannot resist scribbling something on the paper in front of us during a long phone call, a boring meeting, or a difficult lecture. So why do we do something like this when we’re bored?

Doodles may sometimes consist of lines, sometimes shapes, and sometimes numbers. Doing this gives us great relief in unbearable moments.

The curious point is It depends on whether this habit is beneficial or not.

One of the largest studies ever conducted on doodles is from the University of Plymouth.

In the study, participants were made to listen to a boring voice message and some of them said, Uses certain geometric forms and scribbles by taking the pencil in hand is allowed. As a result, it turns out that those who scribble are much better at remembering the information in the conversation later.

Researchers say this is because people’s minds tend to wander during a long conversation. You’re looking for something interesting to break this monotony. suggests.

In other words, if the environment we are in does not allow us to deal with something interesting for our brain, The solution is largely to scribble something on paper. we find. In this way, we continue to adapt to the boring environment and fight against distraction.

On the other hand, people who do not scribble have a much higher rate of wandering off.

Again, situations such as not hearing or understanding what they hear are observed more frequently in these people. Doodles are also improve the ideas you have It also helps. For this reason, writers love to scribble.

For example, Alexander Pushkin would probably make the faces and people in his poems come to life in his imagination by drawing them on the margins of his papers. The same was true for Dostoyevsky.

This habit also increases the awareness of discovery.


That is, at the point where pen and paper meet, your brain starts to work actively. It helps you get away from some emotions that dull creativity.

Again, many researchers believe that thanks to the scribbles we make involuntarily, You can get an idea about what’s going on in our subconscious also expresses.

In summary, doodling is not an empty activity as expected, It is a habit that will take you forward in many senses.

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