Twitter will improve the Communities feature! – ShiftDelete.Net

Social media companies continue to update their applications every day. Companies have been trying to attract more users by adding new features to their apps lately. one of them twitter. The company recently announced interesting features. Communities feature is perhaps one of the most remarkable innovations brought by the platform in recent times.

Communities Thanks to its feature, users who have the same opinion about a certain topic can share tweets with each other. In this way, by isolating themselves from the outside, they only a particular subject they can inform each other. Twitter is also working on this feature.

Twitter Communities will bring together niche communities!

The Twitter Communities feature, which will help bring together people with certain interest groups, was officially opened to users today.

Twitter will bring new features for Communities!

currently only iOS devices and Twitter. web The Communities feature, available in the latest version, will soon come to Android devices as well. The company is currently Android Working on version. We are also working on improvements to the ranked timeline and requests to join the community. It is also on the agenda that the community building feature from the Web will be added with future updates.

your twitter Community feature It aims to offer users a more free space. For example, if you are going to share about technology, you can join technology communities. In this way, your posts will appear in front of people with the same interests as you. People outside the community will only be able to see your tweet. They will not have the rights to like, reply, etc.

Rules can also be set within these communities. You will need an invitation from one of the members or approval from a moderator before you can join the communities. If you don’t have either one, you won’t be able to join the community. So, what are your thoughts? What do you think Communities feature is it necessary? Do not forget to leave your comments and opinions below.

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