A Item From The EtherRock NFT Collection Sold For Less Than A Cent

An EtherRock NFT collection owner accidentally sold his product for less than a penny instead of 444 Ethereum.

User named “dino_dealer” can download EtherRock NFT 444 Wei when trying to sell for 444 ether listed as. Wei is equivalent to about 1/10000000000000000000 of an ethereum.

One of the first NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain, the EtherRock NFT collection is used by the user who gets a product almost for free. The bot immediately noticed the low price. The user who received the NFT immediately 234 to ETH to find buyers by listing worked.

NFT owner “dino_dealer” via Twitter sharing asked for help but has not yet received a reply.

As old as CryptoPunks, one of the world’s most popular NFT collections, EtherRock launched 100 products made only of rock images in December 2017. The price of NFTs when they were first released was approx. at $300 some NFTs 3.5 million dollars experienced a price increase.

The NFT bot, which the real owner of EtherRock is exposed to, has been very popular lately. As soon as the product is listed, these bots realize that it is cheaper than normal and send information directly to the owner. These bots are also used in marketplaces such as eBay.

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