Bumble apologized to women! Here’s why

Bumble, a friendship and dating application that was launched as a feminist application, became the target of criticism due to the advertisements it published in the USA. Advertisements in which singleness was belittled and women’s preferences were ignored were met with great reaction. The advertising campaign, which was at the center of criticism, was terminated and Bumble apologized to women.

In the statements on billboards in Los Angeles, people who chose celibacy were mockingly belittled. “Vow of celibacy is not the solution” for women, “Stop flirting, don’t be a nun!” Statements like these caused great reactions on social media.

bumble billboard

The app, which has 76 percent male users according to market analysts, has been accused of using women to gain access to men. However, according to a Bumble spokesperson, this statistic from market researchers does not reflect reality.

Messaging without matching is coming to Tinder!  But for the price of a smartphone…Messaging without matching is coming to Tinder!  But for the price of a smartphone…

Messaging without matching is coming to Tinder! But for the price of a smartphone…

Tinder offers the feature of sending messages without matching with its new membership Select. However, the price of Tinder Select is the price of a smartphone.

As the reactions to the campaign grew like an avalanche, on Twitter incompetent Bumble The hashtag #BumbleFumble was opened.

On the label;

“Instead of forcing women to return to the practice, tell men to be normal.”,

Imagine being a “female-friendly” dating app and then telling women what to do with their bodies.

“It smells like patriarchy”

“I am single and very happy” Tweets like this found their place.

Bumble published an apology message on its official Instagram account following the reactions. Your ads humor was done for the purpose but unintentionally the opposite of the situation The company that says they have been doing this for years women’s rights and the personal preferences of marginalized groups expressed their defense.

Adding that they could not stay true to these values ​​with the campaign, Bumble apologized to women. Bumble, which began removing the controversial campaign, announced that it would donate to organizations supporting women, marginalized groups and victims of abuse.

Founded by Whitney Wolfe Herd, who left Tinder, another dating and friendship application, in 2014, bumble was launched as a feminist dating application. In order to message in the application, two people must mutually like each other.

The matching system takes place by swiping the screen to the right, as in most dating applications. Accordingly, the application used the slogan “Swipe Right for Equality”, and this slogan was received positively. Unlike other dating apps, men cannot send the first message in a male-female match on Bumble. The application, which has over 40 million users, is the second most popular application in the USA after Tinder.

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