Why Do World Leaders Want Us to Have More Children?

Why do the most powerful and richest people in the world today constantly want to have more children? The answer to this question brings not only a demographic record but also important global considerations. What is the real reason why Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, as well as the leaders of China, Russia, North Korea and Elon Musk, say at least three children at every opportunity?

Most influential figures in the world emphasis on the young population The reason is not just to minimize elderly care costs.

After learning the underlying reasons bringing a child into the world Or you may reconsider your decision to have more children.

There is always “more children” in the discourses of many world leaders.

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un is one of the names on the list. As the country’s population decreases, Jong Un wants more children from North Korean women. Kim Jong Un, unlike other leaders, actually speaks a little more openly. It is patriotism to have many children The leader who says that he has a strong establishing a socialist country He underlines that the cases will accelerate further.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is also among those who say more children.

Like the grandmothers of the people of Russia seven, eight or even more children Putin, who called on what should be done, concluded his statement by saying, “Let’s preserve and revive the excellent traditions.” He also decorates it with expressions.

We know that the situation is the same in our country.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan three children

On various platforms “three children” Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who does not give up his rhetoric, emphasizes that our society needs more children. In addition, Erdoğan wants the marriage age of young people to be lowered.

When you think of an only child, the first thing that comes to your mind is China, right? You may change your mind.

Because China in 2016 abandoned one-child policy and began to allow two children. In 2021, it paved the way for three children.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, population decreased for the first time last year. Moreover number of registered marriages in the country also fell. Chinese Leader Xi Jinping wants the public to develop new culture and strengthen guidance on young people’s view of marriage, birth and family.

The last name we will give as an example is Elon Musk.

elon musk child

Elon Musk, who has fathered 11 children, clearly says that he plans to continue procreating as long as he is a good father. In a tweet he sent in 2022, Elon Musk said: I am doing my best to help the underpopulation crisis. A collapsing birth rate It is the greatest danger civilization has ever faced.

Recently, Musk has criticized those who deliberately do not have children. a bad sense of morality He drew attention by saying that it was.

But what is this insistence?

world child population

Demographic crisis is one of the facts that scares world leaders. To put an end to this trend, many countries generous donations Even though these incentives are done, they are not very effective in achieving the desired results.

“Okay, but why is it a subject that is thought about so much?” you may think. Of course this development of countries It has a direct relationship with. Decreasing birth rates have negative consequences on a variety of issues, ranging from depriving young workers of sufficient numbers to pay taxes.

Children are needed to care for parents in old age.

death and birth rates

One of the real consequences for the functioning of families and societies is care of elderly individuals. In 2010, the number of people caring for each person over the age of 80 was more than seven people per family. This number is expected to be four by 2030.

Sectors of the aging society fewer workers And it also means fewer people paying into social security programs. In addition to the aging of society, economic Failure to include active population in production And the fact that society is aging before it becomes richer also scares leaders.

As the population increases, the information potential also increases.

population growth

Since population growth will also bring resource shortages, many experts view population growth negatively. However, some researchers argue that the information potential that will come with population growth will refute the resource shortage thesis agrees.

The combination of information and technology power is per capita income It can also increase. If the income increases at the level of social welfare an important factor. In this way, improving living standards will stabilize population growth.

If technology is included in agriculture, as in every field, the workforce will be utilized as much as necessary. This is actually increase in the production of services and goods means.

If the population increases, the demand for industries will also increase.


In addition to increasing demand for existing business lines, establishing new industries There will also be an increase in incentives. The dynamic young population means individuals who are more prone to new ideas and more talented and willing to use resources effectively.

There is another thesis that investments will increase. This means that with population growth labor supply will increase towards. Thus, the value of labor will decrease and Profit shares of enterprises will increase. The supply of labor will also compensate for losses in capital. Although not in the short term, capital accumulation will be positively affected in the long term.

Population growth insistence is being made to ensure that the movement in the economy becomes permanent. dense population rapid consumption of produced goods will provide. In this way, the desired movement can be achieved.

Stronger ties will be established in the social and community sphere with the increasing population.

happy community

Qualified population growth also provides some contributions in the social field. Establishing original bonds, It not only ensures strong progress, but also positively affects the formation of a happy society.

How many children constitute the population of Türkiye?

Türkiye child population rate

As of the end of 2022, the population of Turkey consists of 85 million 279 thousand 553 people. This is of course the result obtained according to the population based on the address. of this figure 22 million 578 thousand 378 creates children. Let us note that the child population includes children between the ages of 0-17.

child population 51.3 percent are boys while creating 48.7 percent are girls It creates.

While children constituted 48.5 percent of the total population in 1970, this figure was; It decreased to 41.8 percent in 1990 and to 26.5 percent in 2022. These rates In 2030, it will increase to 25.6 percent, It is predicted that it will decrease to 23.3 percent in 2040, 20.4 percent in 2060 and 19 percent in 2080.

It is thought that the adult population will reach its highest number in Turkey for once, but will decrease rapidly after 2040. Afterwards The number of elderly people will exceed the number of children for the first time.

What are countries’ incentives for more children?

child incentive money

In Russia, where hundreds of people fled the country and died after occupying Ukraine, attractive amounts are offered for the third child, as well as payments for birth. Some countries, such as Hungary and Türkiye, Loan opportunity for newlyweds While in Germany, incentives are given per child. In Germany, certain conditions are also met. Child care expenses are tax deductible.

France also provides significant support to the working life of mothers. In addition to 10 weeks of paid leave, if mothers wish He/she can take a break from his/her work free of charge for 3 years. In fact, incentives are provided to those who want to adopt a child in the country.

Many countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, England, Romania and Greece Fees per child provides support to families.

What are the factors that cause the population growth level to gradually decrease?

population growth damages

There are many factors that change families’ ideas about having children. Fears about the future are among these factors. Young people today are at war, climate change Existing in a country where many crises such as these are experienced, mothers and fathers say, “We do not want to bring children into this world.” supports his statements.

Increasing child care costs is also an important criterion that affects more children. Shelter, nutrition, education Rising costs on many items are a big problem not only in our country but all over the world.

Another factor in population growth is that women have become more influential in their position in society. Women, As their level of education and economic freedom increases, She seems more distant from having children.

Türkiye immigrant

Many factors come together and cannot prevent population growth from decreasing, even if states provide some incentives. There is another solution to the fertility problem. Room To attract people from other countries.

Our country receives so much immigration, The real reason behind embracing everyone is Maybe this is it; say what?

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