Why Do Russian Oil Tankers Disappear on the Map?

Russian oil tankers can suddenly disappear without the authorities being able to see them. What could lie beneath such a mysterious thing?

Ships, for safety reasons when traveling through pirate-infested waters It can darken and become invisible. However, the reason we will talk about shortly is completely different.

Starting with Joe Biden We will slowly descend into dark waters Let’s start examining the details of the subject.

Joe Biden signed a decree in 2022.

Joe Biden; He signed an executive order banning imports of Russian oil, natural gas and coal. In the decree, Britain was also gradually banning Russian oil. Oil tankers disappearing from the map A few lights must have turned on in your mind about…

Many illegal incidents were reported after the agreement was signed.

oil tanker

After the decree, serious increases in illegal activity began to be seen in commercial waters. tankers, their transponders, which are normally prohibited from being turned off. (an electronic device designed to respond to radar interrogation; transmitting basic information such as location and speed) was kept closed for hours.

Disabling or manipulating this system “danger” and “deception” The tankers were trying to do something illegal because they were described as. In fact, according to reports, these activities had increased by 600% compared to before the start of the war in Ukraine.

Although no definitive conclusion has been made, it is claimed that Russia is using this as a way to evade sanctions.

oil tank

Russia turned off its transponders in order to carry out this export secretly. He hides where he is and runs water under straw looks like. Moreover, this situation can occur not only in crude oil but also in tankers of similar oil types.

Likewise, similar events took place when the USA imposed sanctions on Venezuela and Iran and made it illegal to buy oil from these countries. In short, such interesting situations reveal the complex dynamics and A reflection of energy policies it reveals.

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