The New Hope for the Visually Impaired is a Neuroimplant

A group of researchers has developed a neuron-sized implant. With this implant, visually impaired people will be able to see.

To solve these problems of visually impaired people since the 1990s Implants are being developed. A significant amount of time is spent especially on the treatment of people whose visual cortex is functioning but who have problems with their eyes. Although implants are promising as a solution, the methods developed have so far produced very large devices. If this is a new implant size problem It solves.

In fact, vision implants work in a similar way to the way images are created from pixels on our phones. with electrodes They transfer visual data to the brain. Thanks to the newly developed microscopic-sized electrodes, scientists were able to use more electrodes together. Thus, the brain can create the desired image more easily and clearly.

Long-term use will be possible

Researchers say that the implant they developed from a special combination of materials They say it is produced. Thus, the implant is protected from metal corrosion and can also transfer more data. Maria Asplund, one of the authors of the study, said: “We know that it is possible to make electrodes as small as neurons and that we can effectively use these electrodes in the brain for a long time. The next step is to create an electrode with thousands of electrode connections.” he said.

In the examinations carried out before clinical studies, promising results was obtained. In trials conducted on mice, it was stated that the implant provided effective visual perception ability.

Research at Wiley published.


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