Why Do We Get Addicted to Harmful Foods?

Although our brain knows that these foods are harmful, why do you think it cannot prevent this consumption? Actually, the answer to this question is very simple because as long as it is taken naturally and in the right amount, there is no need to prevent it. But how?

What has been told to us for years in television programs, books and lectures “sugar, salt and fat are harmful to our body” The information may not actually be exactly what you think. After all, these three foods have been consumed since the beginning of humanity.

In today’s food conditions, many Processed food and the existence of the product may have something to do with this issue. If you are wondering how it is related, let us explain:

In fact, what we have been told for years is that it is unhealthy to serve or sell these three foods in processed form.

For example A program where Canan Karatay was a guest You came across it. You must have heard the saying that we should give up sugar, salt or fat. Yes, excessive intake of these nutrients into the body invites many diseases. However, taking it in the right amount and at the right time is beneficial for our body.

If we talk specifically about sugar, taking it into our body naturally provides many benefits. However, let us remind again that excessive amount of everything is harmful! “So what benefits do they have?” We almost hear you say, here are the benefits:

  • For example; We can consume fruits as natural sugar. A lot vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Fruits containing fruits are indispensable for human health.
  • Vegetables too natural sugar Vegetables with high sugar content, such as carrots, potatoes, zucchini and beets, provide energy and happiness to people as long as they are consumed in the right amount.

However, do not forget to consult your doctor before consuming these foods, because the intake of each fruit or vegetable varies from person to person. portion size may differ in terms of For example, taking it at night is not good for health.

There is another reason why we eat these foods as if there was a famine: There really was a famine in the past.

A scene from the movie King of the Scavengers

“In our time there was scarcity, we couldn’t access everything so easily.” Many of us use sentences like ear familiarity has.

When we look back to the not-too-distant past, we realize that everything was this not being easily accessible and our elders were indeed right about this due to the lack of product diversity. These products, which were bought in sacks in the past, are now gram or kilogram is taken as .

supermarket, grocery store

For this reason sugar, salt and fat Foods containing ingredients have now become more attractive and accessible. Because such products make people secrete the dopamine hormone. For example; processed sugar products, It tastes sweeter to people than natural sugars.

The reason for this is, of course, that the products are cheaper than before. more additive to be. Product sellers, their products increasing dependency and increasing demand can resort to such methods on its behalf. But of course, this sales policy is completely unethical in terms of human health.

Let’s talk a little about salts and fats: We have heard that Chinese salt or trans fats are used in many of the most prominent products in the food industry. So, what are these?

Chinese Salt mono sodium glutamate products

Chinese salt is generally found in ready-made processed and packaged foods, hamburger types, chips and margarine. in almost anything you can think of is used. Although it is found in various processed foods, it has not yet been found to have a confirmed negative effect on the human body.

L-glutamic acid, It is an amino acid found in our body, and Chinese salt is produced from this amino acid. So why do we continue to get something from food that our body produces on its own?

Let’s give an example from our daily life: When you start eating a chip, you realize that you cannot stop even if you want, so much so that you feel the need to eat more because this salt is also a flavor enhancer. M.onosodium glutamate This is one of the most important effects of Chinese salt, also known as salt.

No Trans Fat

trans fats, unsaturated fat group They enter. We must have seen at one time or another how much trans fat is used on the back of many products in the market. The reason why it is used so much in the food industry is cheap and long lasting being usable.

You can guess that trans fat is quite unhealthy. However, one of the reasons why it is used so much is that it provides the products with a flavor just like Chinese salt. This of course leads to addiction.

To briefly summarize the issue: Almost no product taken naturally has any harm to the human body – as long as it is not taken in excessive amounts. But this style processed products, It not only causes addiction in consumers but also opens the door to many diseases.

Just think to yourself for a moment: Leek meal You ate and then you ate chips. Which one would you be more tempted to continue eating later? Isn’t it obvious that for most of us the answer will be chips?


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