Babies Were Given Morphine to Calm Down!

If you were a woman with children living in the 1800s and your child got sick, you might have had to give Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. What would be the result? Death.

Because this syrup was not a medical drug as you think. Even if it is presented to the market like this It contained jaw-dropping ingredients even for adults!

So why do families do this to their children? “medicine” were they giving?

Charlotte Winslow, the owner of the syrup, was a nurse.

Especially very small during teething period The drug, which was used by babies with diabetes and promised ‘comfort’, found a rapid market in the late 1800s.

drinking this babies are getting cozy, calming down and they were almost passing out. So what was in this popular ‘soothing’ syrup?

It contained a combination of alcohol and opium, especially morphine and some chemicals!

baby syrup

This information would be shocking today. But such ingredients were found in many medicines at that time, and people in general long-term health risks of opium Or it was common for them to be unaware of its addictive properties.

In Mrs. Winslow’s Comfort Syrup The dosage of morphine caused the babies to die one by one. Years ago, the ingredients of medicines were unfortunately unknown. Naturally, the content of this syrup was also hidden.

Babies who drank the syrup fell into a deep sleep and never woke up.

soothing syrup

What families give to their children It is a medical drug Even though he thought, there was more than morphine in it: Alcohol.

MorphineIt was an addictive painkiller made from opium. At that time, they even included morphine in patented medicines. But for babies, even a tiny dose was fatal.

Unfortunately, the medical knowledge and control of that period were not sufficient to predict and prevent such risks.


Collier’s MagazineAn article he published in 1905 turned the eyes of the American public to the opaque pharmaceutical world of that period. The article, titled “The Great American Scam,” explained that drugs caused the opium epidemic.

This revelation was accepted in 1906. Pure Food and Drug Act It led to its creation and determined medical standards.

Did you think the law stopped them?

winslow syrup

Despite all this Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, continued his business by removing morphine from the recipe. Of course, not everything went so innocently. He was now known as the “Baby Killer” everywhere.

The drug remained on the shelves until the 1930s. Their colorful and beautiful advertisements were enough to attract people’s eyes. Instead of the smiling, fresh-breathed and calm babies they showed in the advertisements, there were actually dead babies.

public awareness, medical procedures We learned once again from Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup how important it is to do it legally.

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