Jupiter May Be the Reason Earth Has a Moon

An event called the Major Planetary Instability may have caused the formation of the Moon, according to a new study.

The planets were not always in the orbits we know today. In the ancient times of the universe planets While it was being thrown around in chaos, the Solar System was also in a giant chaos. The chaotic dance of the gas giants also affected the fate of other planets. According to a new study, the Moon was of Jupiter It may have arisen due to the effect of

After the Solar System was formed About 60-100 million years later Scientists who examined this series of events managed to connect a meteorite to a meteorite that was affected by the gravity of gas giants at that time. Moreover, the formation of the Moon may have been caused by the influence of Jupiter.

New thesis on the formation of the Moon

According to scientists, they were trying to find their orbits at that time. influenced by gas giants One of the planets was called Theia, which was approximately the size of Mars. According to researchers, the remains of Theia’s collision with Earth formed the Moon.

Researchers believe that this theory that you don’t answer every question they are aware. On the other hand, there is no other theory that explains why some celestial objects are where they are. For example, although planets are formed on a disk of gas and dust, it is not known why some asteroids and the materials that make them up are in their positions. According to the researchers, their theories are very close to explaining the situation, but they state that it is difficult to be precise about an event that took place 4.5 billion years ago.

The research was published in Science.


Photo from NASA that makes you say “Take it as a Wallpaper”: Moon, Venus and Jupiter in the Same Frame

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