Google Added a Brand New Filter to Search Results

Google announced that it has added a brand new filter called “Web” to the search results. This filter will ensure that only classic blue links are shown. In other words, you will not see images or videos in the search results.

Google, showered us with announcements with the I/O 2024 developer conference that started yesterday. We have seen many artificial intelligence-focused statements made, from equipping Search with artificial intelligence to innovations in Gemini. Of course, the only announcements were not about artificial intelligence. The company also announced that it has added a number of other features to its services.

One of these features is related to search results. According to the announcement made by the company on They will see a brand new filter.

Added “Web” filter to show text-based results

Google calls this new filter added to search results “web” he gives his name. According to the explanations, the new filter allows users to access web pages only by text based adds the results. We know that when you do a normal search, you come across video, image or text results. The new filter eliminates this diversity and only uses classic filters. It shows blue links to the user.

“Web” filter, search results in the filters section at the top. added. When you make a search, you will now see “Web” alongside sections such as “Images, Videos, News”. When they are not directly in front of you, they are on the far right.MoreWhen you press the ” section, you will be able to access this filter. It should be noted that it will be added to the default filters in the same way on mobile.

The new feature is offered for users who sometimes want to access web pages only with text-based links. The company from its users After the requests He states that he added such a function to the search results.


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Google Search’s “Web” filters are rolling out to Google users worldwide. We can say that it will reach everyone by the end of today.

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