Where Should You Plug the Cable First When Charging Devices?

Perhaps one of the most critical issues for phones and computers, which are indispensable in our daily lives, is the way we charge these devices. Are you sure you charge your phones and computers correctly?

The first thing we need to do when these devices run out of charge; plug the data cable into the device or plug the charger in? This detail, which you may not have thought about, actually greatly affects the way our devices work.

Our phones and computers more efficient and long-term Let’s make it clear how the job should be in order to use it.

Before moving on to the answer to this question, let’s consider the issue of impulse voltage.

Pulse voltage is a type of voltage that has the power to be produced in about one millionth of a second and carries some kind of transient and violent frequencies. In a device where this reaction takes place, instead of the normal operating voltage, instant and intense tension it occurs.

When you start charging your phone or computer, be sure to buzzing sounds you have heard. This unexpected situation is caused by the impulse voltage.

This situation should not be overlooked because this tension data loss, reduced battery life, performance degradation.can invite screen flickering, freezing or rebooting, various unexpected noises, circuit damage, and more.

Let’s get back to the main question. Which step should take priority?

power point

If you plug the data cable into the phone or computer first, when connecting to the power supply a big blow may occur and this voltage may cause unexpected damage to the device.

If it is first connected to the socket and then to the device, the surge voltage is inevitable, but up to a point this direct contact between voltage and device largely preventable. So, acting in this order of priority will protect your devices.

When charging is complete, it will be safer to disconnect the phone or computer from the cable first.

computer charger

How you do this directly affects your battery health, as removing the charger can cause various problems such as accelerated battery aging and short battery life. encountering a sudden reverse current possible.

Also, after the phone or computer is fully charged, leaving it plugged into the power supply for long periodsagain can cause a lot of unexpected damage.


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