What is the Latte Factor? – Webtekno

“I’m not doing anything, where is this money going?” If there are those who think, let’s gather. In this content, we reveal the real impact our unobtrusive spending has on our pockets.

We really don’t do much. For example drinking a glass of latte outside every day How big of an expense could it be? Although our latte enjoyment is a small expense on a daily basis, it can upset us a little when we look at it annually.

The concept of the “latte factor”, introduced by an American writer, David Bach, is exactly what drinking latte, magazine or series platform subscriptions It emerges as a concept that reveals the great impact of small expenditures that we do not take seriously, such as and so on.

According to the latte factor, small expenses turn into larger expenses over time.

Based on the fact that coffee consumption, which has become a routine for most of us, is an invariable part of our daily expenditures, David Bach points out this fact. our daily coffee expenses He names this concept as the latte factor by exemplifying it.

According to Bach, if people want to achieve a financial goal, they should reconsider such small expenses!

Small expenses that go unnoticed Bach, who argues that he has reached huge amounts in the long run, argues that people with a savings goal will approach these goals by saving on various small expenses ranging from drinking coffee outside to Netflix membership.

In short, even if there is no development that will increase your income, cutting small expenses he says that it is still possible to save by saving.

In fact, the essence of the matter is to make our expenditures more consciously in order to reach the savings we want!

By cutting back on minor and dispensable expenses or completely eliminating expenses According to the latte factor, which argues that it is possible to save, it is recommended that we keep track of the expenditures and deposit the savings we save from the expenditures we cut on other things without spending them on other things.

Let’s examine this concept a little over the small size filter coffee we bought from Starbucks for 39 TL.

Drinking coffee from Starbucks or any other place every day weekly cost 273 TL. On a monthly basis, this cost 1,170 TL is happening.

Annual cost is 14,235 TL appears as. This is exactly the concept described as the latte factor!

You can also calculate your own latte factor here.

If this is the case for filter coffee, one of the cheapest coffees, more expensive options Now think about the situation…


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