What Do Numbers Like “101, 201” in Course Codes Mean?

When we first start university, we see various abbreviations of courses when choosing courses. Let’s take a closer look at the phrase “101” in course abbreviations such as “ECO101” and “MAT101”, which we also see in our transcript.

No doubt from high school when we go to university We are filled with great excitement. The excitement and rush experienced by students, especially those who change cities for university, seem sweet to many of us.

But for the first time before school starts students choosing courses, next to the courses they choose course codes They may be a little surprised when they see it. For example, for an introductory sociology course that varies from university to university. “SOS101” and for English class “ING102” code, It can be a little confusing. In our content, we will look at what these codes mean.

The start date of this application is not very close.

University of Bologna

Oxford English Dictionary in the late 1920s, Examines the course catalog of the University at Buffalo. After examining it, he sees that faculties use the phrase “101” in their introductory courses. Following this, various colleges and universities began to switch to a three-digit course numbering system.

This three-digit course numbering system practical It must have appeared. Because Kent State University is among the first universities to switch to this system. With the article they published in 1935 about the efficiency of this system, complex lesson classification from the system It emphasizes the transition to a more systematic order.

Now, thanks to this application, the limited number of courses is increased. diversified and many universities began adding specific courses to their course catalogues. But this system could not prevent visa issues from being included in the final unfortunately.

Of course, the numbers used in course classification have a meaning.

course codes, 101, 201

Of course, these codes we see in course catalogs have logical meanings. MAT101 Let’s take the lesson.

  • First digit: It shows the grade in which the course was taken. So it corresponds to the university year. Someone who takes the MAT101 course is taking the course given in the first year of the university.
  • Second digit: It indicates the course content of the course taken. It shows you which topics you will study in the MAT101 course.
  • Third digit: It shows the sequence number of the subjects in the course taken.

This term began to move beyond the academic field and gain a place among popular jargons.

Woody Allen

Etymologist and editor Benjamin Zimmer in 1972 in the Times newspaper society’s social and interest levels “Social Relevant 101” He discovers that it should be given as a lesson called. In a stand-up show in the early 1960s, Woody Allen “I took every abstract philosophy class in college, like reality and beauty, advanced reality and beauty, intermediate reality, Introduction to God, Death 101.” He makes the sentence.

These examples are not only published in the foreign press, but also in local productions was also used. love101 The Netflix series named is among the productions that make use of this term.

As a result, these numbers used in course catalogs are not meaningless numbers. University students and graduates who have read our content so far It’s only a matter of time before he takes a look at his transcripts.

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