Valve will distribute hundreds of Steam Decks!

The Game Awards An event where the best games released during the year are rewarded. Held at the end of each year, this event is held in California on December 8 this year. Microsoft Theaterwill be held in . The event, attended by the leading people and organizations of the sector, is eagerly awaited every year.

One Steam Deck every minute

The winners in the organization are determined by the votes cast by the gamers and the jury. The first phase of voting began on 28 November. The second round starts today (December 1). If you want to vote for the nominated games Players’ Voice You can visit the page.

One of the largest companies in the gaming industry valve announced that it will hand out some big prizes throughout the event. The game company announced that it will distribute a total of $ 97 thousand 350 prizes throughout the event. The biggest reward is Steam Deck will be.

Epic Games Store is giving 2 free games!

Epic Games Store is giving 2 free games!

Epic Games does not break the tradition as it has done for a long time and continues to distribute free games. Here are the games of the week…

A portable game console released by Valve in February 2022. Steam Deck In this sense, it looks very attractive for gamers. The game console with a size of 7 inches and a resolution of 1280 x 800, Steam It draws attention with its structure suitable for all games on it. Steam Deck is also fully Linux-based. desktop computer It can be connected to a monitor to work as a

According to the statement made by Valve, in the live broadcast of The Game Awards, which is planned to last approximately 150 minutes, there is one song every minute. 512GB Steam Deck will be distributed. Unfortunately, there are some restrictions on earning these 150 Steam Decks. The most important of these restrictions is the requirement to be in the USA, Canada, England and European Union countries in order to receive the gifts.

Steam Deck Elden Ring

And also Steam Deck To register for the draw, you must have made a purchase on Steam between November 14, 2021 and November 14, 2022. To participate in the draw, the event will also be broadcast live. Steam Store on the page or SteamTV You need to follow through.

Valve distributes 150 Steam Decks The Game AwardsIt will undoubtedly make it more colorful. The absence of this draw in our country is quite annoying. So what do you think about The Game Awards and the gifts that Valve handed out? You can share your views with us in the comments section.

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