ISIS Came to Use Artificial Intelligence for Terrorist Propaganda

A newly released video revealed that terrorist organizations have also started to use technology.

A concert hall in Moscow, the capital of Russia, in March an attack was made and more than 140 people lost their lives in the attack. In a propaganda video spread online about this attack, a group associated with ISIS “The Islamic State dealt a bloody blow to Russia, the hardest blow in recent years.” expressions were used. The server that used these expressions was produced by artificial intelligence.

This situation also affects terrorist organizations and their supporters. can use the latest technologies and revealed that they could use artificial intelligence tools to spread hate messages. SITE Intelligence Group also published a report in which it reached a similar conclusion. SITE Intelligence Group is a consultancy firm that examines the activities of terrorist organizations.

The number of ISIS videos is increasing

It is stated that ISIS has published five different videos since the attack and that these videos have gone viral at various levels, and one of the founders of SITE Rita KatzFor ISIS, artificial intelligence has changed the game. “AI will be a rapid way for them to distribute and spread their bloody attacks to nearly every corner of the world.” he said.

The fact that organizations such as ISIS have turned to such alternatives is not surprising. It is known that terrorist organizations have previously managed sophisticated social media movements and evaluated different technologies. The fact that artificial intelligence products can be used very cheaply and extremely easily makes them a target of malicious people.


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