Turkey’s Most Immigrant Receiving and Exporting Countries [Güncel]

TURKSTAT published the “International Migration Statistics” data for 2022. Thus, the countries that Turkey receives the most immigrants and gives the most immigrants to have been determined.

Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), published the results of the “International Migration Statistics” research for the year 2022. The research revealed that the number of people who migrated from Turkey to other countries increased by 62.3 percent compared to the previous year and reached 466 thousand 914. However, when we look at the countries that receive the most immigration from Turkey, not even a country from the west We see.

Even though there are people who immigrated from Turkey, the number of people coming to Turkey is not small. According to the International Migration Statistics research, the number of people who migrated to Turkey in 2022 decreased by 33.2 percent. 494 thousand 52 it happened. Of the population coming from abroad, 94,409 were Turkish citizens and 399,643 were foreign nationals. The same figures are for those who migrated abroad from Turkey, respectively. 139 thousand 531 and recorded as 327 thousand 383.

Most people between the ages of 25-29 left Turkey!

According to the researches, the age group in which both immigrants from Turkey and those who came to Turkey are concentrated in 2022. 25-29 was the range. 11.7 percent of those who migrated to Turkey were between the ages of 20-24 and 11.4 percent were between the ages of 30-34. A similar situation was experienced with those who immigrated from Turkey. 13.4% of those who migrated from Turkey 30-3412.8 percent were in the 20-24 age range.

The city that receives the most immigrants and gives the most immigrants: Istanbul

Cities with the most immigrants
City Rate by outgoing immigration
Istanbul 39.5%
Ankara 9.8%
Antalya 6.7%
Samsun 3.4%
Izmir 3%

According to the figures shared by TUIK, 39.5 percent of 466 thousand 914 people who migrated from Turkey in 2022 IstanbulHe lived in Istanbul is far ahead in terms of immigration. It should be noted that Ankara, Antalya, Samsun and Izmir follow Istanbul.

Cities with the most immigrants
City Rate by incoming immigration
Istanbul 35.4%
Antalya 14.8%
Ankara 5.4%
Bursa 3.9%
Myrtle 3.8%

Istanbul is also at the top of the list of provinces receiving the highest number of immigrants. Antalya, Ankara, Bursa and Mersin are one of the cities that should be noted in the list followed by Istanbul. Myrtle.

Those who immigrated to Turkey last year were mostly citizens of the Russian Federation.

Russia Ukraine war

Russia-Ukraine WarThis led the people living in these two countries to flock to Turkey. We can clearly see this in statistics. So much so that 25 percent of the individuals who migrated to Turkey last year were citizens of the Russian Federation. This was followed by Ukrainian citizens with 8.1 percent. The ranking of Turkey’s immigration by countries is as follows:

Countries where Turkey receives the most immigrants
Country Ratio of incoming immigration
Russian Federation 25%
Ukraine 8.1%
Iranian 6.5%
Afghanistan 5.4%
Iraq 4.8%

Syria is not among the countries we migrate to the most!

TÜİK has also created a country ranking according to outgoing migrations. The most striking thing here is Syria, Afghanistan And Pakistan. Although we have been discussing immigrants in our country for a long time, according to TUIK data, we seem to have given very little immigration to Syria and Pakistan compared to other countries. Our migration to Afghanistan is quite low has a ratio. The ranking of Turkey’s migrations by country is as follows:

Countries with the most immigrants from Turkey
Country Ratio of outgoing immigration
Iraq 20%
Iranian 10.6%
Uzbekistan 7%
Afghanistan 6%
Turkmenistan 4.8%

Source :

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