The most popular passwords have been revealed! They break in seconds

Passwords have become an indispensable part of our daily digital life. So much so that we often use it when creating an account on the internet and logging into these accounts. But if the password we set is easy, it may do us more harm than good. Finally, today, the NordPass team shared the most popular passwords.

Do not use these passwords to avoid having your account stolen!

The NordPass team shared the most widely used passwords in 2022. Security experts, who shared this report by examining a 3 TB database, also published a special list of 30 countries, but unfortunately Turkey is not among these countries.

According to the data in the NordPass report, the most widely used password worldwide is “password“It happened. This password, which means “password” in Turkish, 4 million 929 thousand 113 used by the person and 1 secondIt was found that it could break in less than a minute.

Experts warned: Here are those passwords that are broken in seconds!

Experts warned: Here are those passwords that are broken in seconds!

The most popular passwords for 2022 have been revealed. Thousands of users continue to use these simple passwords on their accounts.

We see that there are easily crackable passwords such as “123456”, “123456789” and “Guest” in the list. According to the information in the report, these passwords are also used by millions of people. You can find the rest of the list below.

Here are the most commonly used passwords in 2022:

Order Password Breaking Time Number of Users
one password <1 second 4 million 929 thousand 113
2 123456 <1 second 1 million 523 thousand 537
3 123456789 <1 second 413 thousand 56
guest 10 seconds 376 thousand 417
5 qwerty <1 second 389 thousand 679
6 12345678 <1 second 284 thousand 946
7 111111 <1 second 229 thousand 47
8 12345 <1 second 188 thousand 682
9 co1123456 11 seconds 140 thousand 505
18 123123 <1 second 127 thousand 762
11th 1234567 <1 second 110 thousand 279
12 1234 <1 second 106 thousand 929
13 1234567890 <1 second 105 thousand 189
14 000000 <1 second 102 thousand 636
15 555555 <1 second 98 thousand 353

How to create strong password?

  • Use a long password. Short passwords are easily guessed.
  • Use a combination of different characters in your password, such as uppercase letters (AZ), lowercase letters (az), numbers (0-9) and special characters (#, $, !, etc.). This makes your password more complex and strong.
  • Avoid personal information (name, date of birth, etc.) or popular passwords that can be guessed in general.
  • Use unique passwords for each account and do not repeat the same password on multiple accounts. Thus, if one of your accounts is compromised, your other accounts will not be affected.

So what do you guys think about this issue? You can share your views with us in the Comments section below.

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