The Interesting Story of Teddy Bears

Many of us had a teddy bear friend as a child. So, have you ever thought about why the bear was specifically chosen as a figure? Wouldn’t a cat be cuter for many people? It could be, but there is an interesting reason and story behind why it is a bear!

Just the story of a teddy bear in the early 1900s, It is based on an event that happened to US President Theodore Roosevelt. Could you guess?

How did Roosevelt go on a hunting trip? It turned into a story that led to a worldwide teddy bear boom. let’s see.

It all started with a bear hunting trip.

Theodore Roosevelt, former president of the United States, while the calendar shows the year 1902 on a hunting trip output. There were a few other people on this trip, which he attended at the invitation of Mississippi Governor Andrew H. Longino. All but one person had caught and killed the bear. That one person was none other than President Roosevelt. The hunt for the great president had failed.

The next day, the hunting guides went after an old bear with dogs, tied the bear they caught to a willow tree and called Roosevelt. Seeing this sight, the President took one look at the old bear and He refused to shoot.

He said it was “unsportsmanlike”. hunting brutality Seeing it as a sport is a completely different matter, but let’s ignore that issue for now.

The president refused to shoot the bear.

usa president

The bear was injured and waiting for its death. Roosevelt, To ease the pain of the bear He ordered him to be laid on the ground and killed immediately.

This movement was on the agenda of America. So much so that political cartoonist Clifford Berryman He drew a cartoon about this memory. This is where Teddy Bear’s story would come from.

teddy bear

Published in the Washington Post on November 16, 1902, Cartoon featuring Roosevelt and the bear later diversified. The bear was depicted as small and trembling with fear. This little bear cub began to appear frequently in other cartoons drawn by the cartoonist.

A series of events that triggered each other made “Teddy Bears” world famous.


Later, Morris Michtom, a toy manufacturer, was inspired by the cartoon and put teddy bears made by his wife in his shop window. What was given to them by Theodore Roosevelt “Teddy” names He received permission from the President to put it on.

Teddy bear

The bears quickly gained popularity and were put into mass production. It was produced and sold not only in Morris Michtom’s shop but also in other companies. gained global fame and it was in almost every home.

These cute teddy bears have diversified around the world and attracted great attention, and although they are not known by everyone, symbol of compassion has reached to this day. Who would have thought that those plush bears we hugged and slept with as children were inspired by the former American president?

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