The Design of Euro Banknotes Is Changing

The European Central Bank (ECB) has announced that the design of euro banknotes will change. The new design of the euro, whose design has been the same for nearly 20 years, will be selected until 2024.

Single currency unit of 11 European Union (EU) countries, mainly France and Germany eu vote it was decided to use it in January 1999; Two years after this date, euro banknotes and coins were introduced in the EU countries where this currency is valid.

Now, the European Central Bank (ECB) is using euro banknotes for more than 20 years. redesign announced plans. According to the statement made by the ECB, those that will be used among the new euro designs that will be designed in a short time, until 2024 will be selected and then made available. There will also be a competition for euro designs.

19 EU countries use the euro

Fully loaded from 27 EU countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Greece. 19 countries using the euro. The monetary policy of these 19 countries, also known as the Euro Zone, is formed by the ECB and the central banks of the member countries. Euro System manages.

The redesign of euro notes, for future banknotes from people living in the euro area potential themes It will begin with the establishment of groups tasked with gathering ideas about This process was followed by an advisory group of experts from each Eurozone country, consisting of new themes. a short list The ECB’s presentation to the Governing Council will follow. Then, with the final decision of the ECB Governing Council, new banknotes will be printed.


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In a statement on the decision, ECB President Christine Lagarde said: “After 20 years, it’s time to review the look of our euro notes to make them more attractive to Europeans of all ages and backgrounds.” recorded as.

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