The Clearest Explanation of the Risks of Artificial Intelligence!

A remarkable statement came about the risks of artificial intelligence. The statement, which was also signed by the CEOs of leading companies in the industry such as Google and Open AI, warns about the risks of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence studies, which have been widely covered in our news that we have shared with you recently, give hope on the one hand and on the other hand. scares. It is obvious that studies on artificial intelligence greatly facilitate our lives. However, on the other hand, as a natural consequence of this, the need for human power your need will decreaseThis, in turn, is believed to lead to large-scale unemployment.

In fact, there have been some remarkable developments regarding all these concerns. For example; including the biggest bosses of the tech world, such as Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak. 1150 namesstudies on artificial intelligence for 6 months regarding the suspension One open letter they published. On the other hand, Sam Altman, CEO of Open AI, which develops artificial intelligence-based tools, regulation call doing.

A new explanation has come against the risks of artificial intelligence

Now, what artificial intelligence can lead to about risks A new development has occurred. A new statement came from a group of people who lead teams working on artificial intelligence, such as Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. Only consisting of 23 words The explanation was quite striking and thought provoking. Because this statement reflected the opinion of people who were in artificial intelligence themselves. So what statements were included in that statement?


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The Turkish translation of the 23-word statement is as follows:

Reducing the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority, alongside other societal-scale risks such as epidemics and nuclear war.

artificial intelligence

a non-profit organization Artificial Intelligence Security Center by served Speaking about the statement, the name is one of the senior executives of the institution. Dan Hendrycks it happened. Hendrycks stated that the message they wanted to give was very clear and that they wanted to give the message by lengthening the text. they don’t want to dilute told. It is already a matter of curiosity how the public and governments will react to the 23-word statement…


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