Talon CT in Lol, Abilities, Strengths And Weaknesses

Talon, one of the famous Noxian assassins of League of Legends, is a very popular character in the League of Legends universe. We can say that it has made a little popularity, especially with the change of items recently.

Although he wasn’t popular in mid lane for a long time, he’s been playing the jungler role recently. blowing the wind It looks like Talon will be making a name for himself for a while.

In particular it has unique managed to annoy many players with its mobility. talon, and on top of that, when he’s played as a jungler, he can destroy all of Summoner’s Rift. own playground can use as.

Talon CTs: Strong opponents against Talon

  • vi
  • rammus
  • Sejuani
  • hecarim
  • Udyr

Although Talon can use his mobility very well, he’s an assassin at his core, so he’s not good at fighting head-on against tank or offtank characters. not very successful. That’s why Rammus, Sejuani-style characters give the Talon their crowd control and tank potential. hard times can survive.

All the abilities of Talon, who can become invisible with the circle he creates:

All of Talon's abilities

  • Passive / Blade Edge: Talon’s abilities inflict wounds on champions and large monsters, stacking up to 3 times. When Talon attacks a champion with 3 wound charges, their target takes massive damage over time and bleeds
  • Q / Noxian Diplomacy: Talon stabs the target unit. If the target unit is within melee range, this attack deals critical damage. If out of melee range, Talon dashes to his target, stabbing it. Talon regains some health and cooldown if this ability kills the target
  • W / Cut: Talon swings and pulls daggers, dealing physical damage each time they slash enemies. Blades deal bonus damage during their turn and slow units they hit
  • E / Path of the Killer: Talon jumps over any surface shape or structure for a certain distance. This ability has a short cooldown but puts the jumped surface shape on a long cooldown
  • R / Shadow Attack: Talon forms a circle with his blades and becomes invisible, gaining bonus movement speed. When Talon’s invisibility ends, the blades are drawn to his location. Each time the blades move, Shadow Strike deals physical damage to enemies hit by at least one blade.

What are Talon’s strengths and weaknesses?

Talon's strengths and weaknesses

Talon’s powerful features:

  • Very good at mobility
  • He can inflict very high damage in the early phase thanks to his Bleed passive
  • Ability to use the surprise attack factor well

Talon can bleed from his passive in a short time, especially in the early stages. unexpected high damage can take it out. In addition, he can perform surprise attacks very successfully with the invisibility of his ultimate ability, which he unlocks from level 6, and the mobility from his E ability.

Talon’s weak features:

  • Being vulnerable to tank or offtank characters
  • Very weak to crowd control abilities
  • Very low performance against multiple enemy groups

Since Talon is an assassin as we mentioned, Tank characters are out of his target. As with many assassins, when his crowd control abilities are at a level that can get in the way of his escape, the result is usually death. In addition, the character’s skill kit is predominantly single targets full performance when there are multiple enemies because it is built on cannot display.

How to play Talon in LoL?

Tips for playing Talon

  • Talon is one of the hardest characters to catch in the game. That’s why you can lose track very easily by using your E skill well.
  • Make sure you choose your target before attacking. Your Talon will be more effective on single targets than multiple targets
  • Note that you need 3 abilities to activate your passive.

Talon is a character that can do very high damage in the early stages. However, for this to happen, you need to activate the passive, that is, your W ability. You have to fasten it 2 times. Talon’s evasive ability is unmatched in-game. That’s why you can dodge your enemies very easily with your E ability. Before attacking, Talon’s abilities are based on destroying individual targets. Choose your target well.

How to play against Talon, how to beat Talon?

How to play against Talon?

  • Talon desperately needs his ultimate to escape instant combat. That’s why he can be a pretty obvious target when his ult is on cooldown.
  • When playing against Talon, it’s good to be careful in the early stages. You can give a very quick “First Blood” especially if you underestimate Talon’s passive
  • Talon also needs to hit the spin portion of his W ability to activate his passive. By playing a little carefully, you can remove the part of the passive effect a little bit.

While Talon is a unique character when it comes to mobility, he has the ultimate ability to get out of instant battles. needs. This means that the character is quite strong when his ultimate ability is not active. fragile he can. Talon has a huge damage advantage, especially in the early stages, thanks to his passive. It’s okay not to take this lightly. Also the most effective method for Talon to activate his passive the complete W lies in the presentation bracket. If you can avoid at least the turn portion of W, you’ll be able to slightly improve your situation. You can relax.

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