Synthetic Molecules as Good as the Real Ones Can Be Produced

Scientists have managed to resolve an issue they have been discussing for 200 years. Scientific discovery has led to an understanding of how molecules can be grown rapidly.

It is mined in some regions in Turkey and even presented as the most valuable stone of our country. dolomite There has been an important development regarding the Scientists working at the University of Michigan in the USA and Hokkaido University in Japan managed to produce this stone in a synthetic environment with a joint study. Dolomite production is actually approximately debated for 200 years It was an issue but it was never successful.

Dolomite is a naturally occurring substance that forms on its own over the years. growable It is known as a type of rock. Of course, what we mean by “years” is not just a few years. We’re talking millions of years. Scientists have been working for nearly 200 years to understand and replicate how this rock grows. However, attempts to grow it in a laboratory environment have proven that dolomite is formed by deterioration of mineral structure It was paving the way. This prevented the resulting material from being dolomite.

With the new study, the issue that has been discussed for years has been resolved.

What makes dolomite stone grow in its natural environment? is nature itself It was already known. In other words, natural events such as rain, sun, snow, wind and tide helped this material grow. The scientists’ solution was to imitate these conditions. Scientists who create atomic simulations in a computer environment interatomic energy They made precise calculations such as:


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The calculations made allowed scientists to achieve their goals. In the light of their findings, dolomite is a mixture of water, calcium and magnesium. of the solution Immersing it in it, the experts began to vibrate this mixture with electrons. The resulting vibration caused the errors in the molecular structure to disappear. 2-hour vibration period, dolomite 100 nanometers had made it grow.

The study revealed more than dolomite production


The study carried out aims to understand how dolomite is formed in nature and to analyze the properties of this substance. how to grow made it understandable. But there is more. With the latest study, scientists understood how molecules can be reproduced quickly and with high quality. this too potentiallyThis means that higher quality can be achieved for all synthetically produced materials.

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