Pepe Coin’s Stubbornness Made Millions Earned: He Bought From the Top and Waited at a Loss for 10 Months!

An investor who bought Pepe (PEPE) at the peaks last year made a profit of millions of dollars after a long wait.

According to the data provided by the on-chain analysis platform Lookonchain, it increased from a level close to the peaks in June last year. 1 million dollars worth 600 billion PEPE When the investor finally made a profit, he started selling.

The data shows that the investor who took action on March 4 sent Binance $1.48 million worth 200 billion PEPE He revealed that he transferred. While he prefers to sell a little more than his main investment for now, he still has some money left in his wallet. $2.91 million worth 400 billion There is PEPE.

Investor’s profit for 10 months After a stressful wait, approximately for $3.35 million has reached.

According to CoinGecko data, in the last 24 hours 40% up exhibiting PEPE, at the time of writing From $0.0000074 is being traded.

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