Name of the Event Held in the Name of Yuri Gagarin Has Been Changed

While many of the sanctions against Russia seem very deterrent, some can be quite strange. Changing the name of the space symposium, which has been held as Yuri’s Night for 37 years, aroused reactions from the Ukrainian people as much as the Russians.

Although institutions and organizations show their reactions by imposing some sanctions on Russia, these sanctions can sometimes be quite absurd. Recently, in some countries, just to impose sanctions on Russia. Dostoevsky’s It was forbidden to be taught in classes, and there was a lot of backlash. similar again in the strangeness Another sanction came from the Space Foundation. Symposium held annually in the USA on behalf of the Soviet Union Pilot of the time, Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space ‘for censorship’ made an interesting move.

‘Yuri’s Night’ by name held for 37 years The sharing that the name of the symposium was changed became the agenda on social media. Although it is thought that the name of the symposium was changed as a reaction to Russia, Gagarin was not only called by the Russians. It is also loved by the citizens of Ukraine. For this reason, the change made in the name of the symposium with this thought in mind also drew reaction from the Ukrainian people.

Space Foundation removed the post after the backlash

The non-profit Space Foundation has named the ‘Yuri’s Night’ symposium scheduled for April. ‘Space Celebration: Discover What’s Next’ announced that it would change to Due to the tension between Russia and Ukraine, which affected the whole world, Saying that they took a ‘censorship’ decision The foundation removed its post after the backlash. Again, in a deleted post of the foundation, “The focus of this fundraising event will remain the same; Celebrating human achievements in space and inspiring future generations to reach for the stars.” words were included.


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Many people on social media shared that the renaming of the event could not be related to the current occupation and that Yuri Gagarin is an important name not only for the Russians but for the whole world. At the same time, even if the foundation did this to show its support for Ukraine; Gagarin is also known by the people of Ukraine. loved enough to paint buildings a name. For this reason, almost no one could make sense of this change.

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