Why Do Some Seafood Smell So Bad?

The refreshing breeze of the waves hitting the sea shores, the screams of the seagulls and the endless blue… In this beautiful landscape, from time to time, a sharp smell that strains the nose is felt: the unique smell of seafood. So why can these unique flavors sometimes emit an unpleasant odor?

Not only the smell from the sea but also places that sell fish There are some reasons specific to fish for that smell that hurts our noses.

Of course this methods to get rid of odor There is also. So let’s look at fish from a different perspective, not just in terms of their benefits.

When seafood is fresh, especially fish, it has a faint, almost neutral odor.

After hunting, a chemical process begins. Found in the muscle tissues of fish and essential for life amino acids, After death, it begins to decompose rapidly under the influence of enzymes.

As a result of this fragmentation trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) A component called is released. TMAO reacts with oxygen in the air trimethylamine (TMA) and this new molecule reveals the “fishy smell” specific to seafood.

The smell of seafood is also greatly affected by environmental factors.

Factors such as water temperature and salinity can change the body chemistry and therefore the smell of fish. freshwater fish, Since it is less salty, it does not accumulate TMAO and is not like ocean fish. However, they can sometimes have a muddy aroma.

The feeding habits of seafood also play an important role in their smell.

fishy smell

Fish that feed on algae generally has a less pungent odor. However, fish that consume other fish or foods high in protein tend to emit a stronger odor.

Preservation and storage methods are also effective.

stale fish smell

Proper storage conditions are important to preserve the freshness of seafood and minimize bad odors. Rapid cooling of fish and storing it at around 0°C helps keep the odor under control by slowing down the chemical process.

What should you do to eliminate the odor?

Although seafood odor is a natural and inevitable process, you can minimize odors while still enjoying fresh, high-quality seafood. For this, TMA on the fish surface You can wash it with tap water.

Like lemon, tomato and vinegar foods with acidic contents, You can reduce the binding of TMA by introducing it to fish

From now on, the time between buying fish and eating it what to pay attention to and you have control over the cause of the smell. Bon appetit in advance!

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