Why Was Windows XP So Good?

In 2001, Microsoft released Windows XP. This operating system followed Windows Me and 2000. But the main goal of XP was simplicity.

Windows Does anyone remember the old design of XP? That famous background, old logo, start menu… You miss those times, right?

So, are these really all the reasons why we miss Windows XP? Or are there more technical reasons behind it?

Windows XP; It was focused solely on security, innovation and ease of use.

Although it is primarily intended as a more robust and useful update to Windows introduced new user interface and many internal changes. In this way, Windows XP had a warm and friendly energy.

The results were very positive and Windows XP is one of Microsoft’s most successful and beloved products happened.

Even though support ended in 2015, more than 150 million users continued to use XP.

Windows XP

US military and 1% of the world’s computers, was still using Windows XP. So why?

XP’s success was based on the process and approach in which it was developed. This process, which started in 1998, was available for consumers after Windows Me and 2000. The first Windows completely free of MS-DOS It was intended to create the version.

MS-DOS Windows

Although MS-DOS is the basis of Windows operating systems It was outdated and posed a security risk.

Microsoft, He had started to focus more on the software series called NT (New Technology). XP was the first NT-based Windows version and offered its users a more secure and stable platform.

Windows XP attracted many users with its affordable starting cost and the features it provided.

The release of Service Pack 2 made XP even more stable and The failure of Windows Vista reinforced XP’s positive reputation. After Vista, many users chose to stick with XP.


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The success of Windows XP One of the most important factors was its longevity. The fact that Microsoft’s new versions were not very successful led to the continuation of support for XP.

Even though users are using old operating systems They were confident in XP’s reliability. XP has low hardware requirements and with extensive software support It still remained an attractive option for many users.

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