Operation Dawn from the Ministry of Internal Affairs – Webtekno

74 suspects were caught in the “CYBERGÖZ-39” operations organized by the Gendarmerie for the crimes of “Illegal Betting, Aggravated Fraud, Aggravated Theft and Online Child Obscenity” in 20 provinces.

We are on the heels of those who place illegal bets and commit qualified fraud using information systems. We will not tolerate them. Our fight against cybercrimes and criminals will continue with determination.

Under the coordination of the Gendarmerie General Command, Department of Combating Cyber ​​Crimes; “CYBERGÖZ-39” operations by Provincial Gendarmerie Commands in Izmir, Hatay, Bolu, Diyarbakır, Bursa, Kocaeli, Konya, Trabzon, Elazığ, Mersin, Adana, Artvin, Ankara, İstanbul, Düzce, Şanlıurfa, Ordu, Rize, Uşak and Gaziantep. Edited.

In the operations carried out in Izmir and Hatay as a result of the work carried out by the Izmir and Hatay Provincial Gendarmerie Command, Cyber ​​Crimes Fighting Branch Directorates;
24 suspects who were found to have gained unfair profits by placing illegal bets on websites originating from abroad were caught.

In the operation carried out in Trabzon as a result of the work carried out by the Trabzon Provincial Gendarmerie Command’s Cyber ​​Crimes Branch Directorate;
19 suspects who were found to have committed the crime of online child obscenity by sharing obscene images of children on the social media platform were caught.

As a result of the work carried out by the Elazığ Provincial Gendarmerie Command’s Anti-Cyber ​​Crimes Branch Directorate, in the operations carried out in Elazığ-centered Mersin, Adana, Artvin and Ankara;
12 suspects who were found to have committed the crimes of “Aggravated Fraud and Qualified Theft” by obtaining unfair profits through “Promise of Sale of Household Goods” through various websites were caught.

In the operations carried out in Rize and Mersin as a result of the work carried out by the Rize Provincial Gendarmerie Command’s Anti-Cyber ​​Crimes Section;
Three suspects who were found to have obtained the bank account information of our citizens and transferred the money in their accounts to other accounts were caught.

As a result of the work carried out by the Bolu Provincial Gendarmerie Command’s Anti-Cyber ​​Crimes Branch Directorate, in the operations organized in Bolu-centered Diyarbakır, Bursa, Kocaeli and Konya;
6 suspects who were found to have made unfair profits by placing illegal bets on websites originating from abroad were caught.

As a result of the work carried out by the Istanbul Provincial Gendarmerie Command, Anti-Cyber ​​Crimes Branch Directorate, in the operations carried out in Istanbul-centered Düzce, Adana, Şanlıurfa and Ordu;
6 suspects who were found to have made unfair profits by advertising through social media applications and defrauding our citizens with the “Promise of High Earnings” were caught.

As a result of the work carried out by the Uşak Provincial Gendarmerie Command’s Cyber ​​Crimes Branch Directorate; In the operations carried out in Uşak-based Hatay and Gaziantep;
4 suspects who were found to have gained unfair advantage by obtaining bank account information and transferring the money in the accounts to themselves were caught.

In addition, during the examination of the bank accounts of the suspects, it was determined that there was a money movement of 120 Million TL.

Result of operations:
Unlicensed guns and
A large number of digital materials were confiscated.

I congratulate our Hero Gendarmerie who carried out the operations. May God not let a stone touch your feet. Our nation’s prayers are with you.

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