New Design Arrived in YouTube Music’s iOS Version

A new design has been made to YouTube Music’s “Now Playing” page. The new design will make the app look more modern.

US-based technology giant Google, YouTube MusicHe made a new study for the iOS version of . As part of this work, a new design was introduced to YouTube Music’s “Now Playing” page. This design is from YouTube Music to look more modern will provide.

When iPhone owners enter the YouTube Music app and access the Now Playing page, they will be able to see the song associated with the album cover of the song they open. to a single color They were seeing a background with This situation has changed with the new update. YouTube Music is now gradient design language will adopt. The background will become darker as you look down.

This is what YouTube Music’s new design will look like:

Google owns YouTube Music For Android version had also done a similar study, and Android users had been using the gradient design page for a while. According to the latest study, iOS users are just like Android users. new design they will be able to use.


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By the way, the only thing new on YouTube Music’s Now Playing page is the background is not there let’s say. The company also overhauled the options at the bottom of the screen. Options that used to be in an island are now displayed on the screen. They are resident.

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