JPMorgan Answered: Will Bitcoin or Ethereum Win in 2024?

Banking giant JPMorgan expects Ethereum (ETH) to outperform Bitcoin (BTC) next year.

JPMorgan analysts, in the report they shared the other day, “We believe Ethereum will find itself again next year and regain market share within the crypto ecosystem.” said.

“The main catalyst for this will be the EIP-4844 update, which is expected to occur in the first half of 2024. “We believe this will be a big step towards improving mobility on the Ethereum network, thus helping Ethereum perform better.” comment was made.

Proto-danksharding EIP-4844, known as blob-carrying transaction It brings with it a new type of transaction. This is because the data held there will not compete with the gas needs of existing Ethereum transactions. great benefits in terms of scalability It is expected to happen.

JPMorgan says this is particularly important as transaction fees will be reduced. Useful for Layer 2 networks predicts it will happen.

Analysts evaluating the halving update to be made with spot exchange traded funds (ETF), which is expected to be approved next year in Bitcoin, These are already reflected in the price he thinks.

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