Is there a SCT discount on phones?

A claim made today excited all young people and students. The claim that emerged about exempting young people from SCT when buying mobile phones, “Is there a SCT discount for phones?” brought the question to mind.

Is there a SCT discount on phones?

The government plans to take another step targeting young people. As mentioned in previous news, arrangements can be made to exempt young people from SCT when purchasing mobile phones. According to this regulation, young people will be exempt from SCT for a mobile phone worth 10 thousand liras and they will pay 5 thousand liras for this phone.

This exemption will apply provided that the purchased phone is not disposed of for three or five years. The tax rate is 25 percent for mobile phones with an SCT base not exceeding 1,500 TL, 40 percent for mobile phones between 1,500 TL and 3,000 TL, and 50 percent for phones over 3 thousand TL.

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