Can You Drink Water After Eating Ice Cream?

While consuming ice cream, which is indispensable in the summer months, we have heard a sentence from our elders since our childhood: “Drink warm water after eating!”

Although they usually say this so that our tonsils do not swell when we get sick, it is really true. drinking warm water after eating ice cream Does it have such an effect?

Maybe even if it doesn’t have such an effect have multiple effects You will say that our mothers who told us this method also knew something!

Drinking water after eating ice cream is actually an important step for oral and throat health.

Eating ice cream, even if we don’t realize it It causes some changes in our mouth and throat. That’s why drinking water is considered very beneficial by experts.

It’s especially great when you eat ice cream. with a feeling of thirst you have encountered. This is because ice cream contains sugar, fat, amino acids and chemicals that mix with your blood and begin circulating throughout your body.

These chemicals by entering your bloodstream They cause water to withdraw from your cells. This is the reason why we feel thirsty. So drinking water after ice cream is important for the body’s moisture balance.

It also helps clear acid and sugar.

Substances contained in ice cream, It can affect tooth enamel and the pH balance in the mouth. At this point, drinking water helps clean the sugar and acid accumulated in the mouth and teeth, and prevents any damage to your teeth.

Consuming hot liquid after eating ice cream We need to underline that it is also harmful. Not only water, but also tea, coffee and similar drinks can cause sensitivity and cracking in the teeth if consumed immediately after ice cream.

And of course, it minimizes the risk of throat infection.

What we heard from our elders is actually true. Because ingredients in ice creamIt causes infection in our throat. That’s why drinking water is considered a necessary step to prevent the growth of bacteria accumulated in the throat.

In short, our elders knew something. You drink warm water after eating ice cream go on…

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