Interesting Features of Chow Chow Chinese Lion Dogs

Chow chow dogs, popularly known as the ‘Chinese lion’ due to their fluffy fur and color, have lived with humans for a very long time. With their cute faces and fluffy bodies, chow chow, or Chinese lion breed dogs, which make people feel hugging, have some interesting features that will both surprise you and increase your love.

First of all, if you want to feed a dog, you can adopt one of the hundreds of thousands of dogs looking for a warm home on the street instead of giving money to the people who trade these creatures. Chow chow or, in English, chow chow dogs may not come to mind when you think of a breed, but we are sure. When we say chinese lion dog this cute breed will immediately come to your mind.

Chow chow dogs, which we call the Chinese lion due to their fluffy fur and color, are one of the oldest dog breeds. This is why they are good-natured and affectionate, but like all dogs, if they are not socialized on time, they may display behaviors that will leave a question mark in mind if they are dangerous. Bride The interesting features of the chev chev breed Chinese lion dog Let’s take a closer look and get to know this cute dog breed a little better.

Interesting features of the Chow chow Chinese lion dog:

  • It is one of the oldest dog breeds.
  • The name chow chow has no special meaning.
  • Some physical traits of the chev chev breed are truly unique.
  • Whatever you do, never put a Chinese lion dog in water.
  • Don’t expect a chef to greet you at the door when you get home.
  • During their time in China, they had many important duties.
  • Sigmund Freud used the Chinese lion dog in his sessions.
  • The answer to the question of whether the Chow Chow Chinese lion dog is dangerous is a bit complicated.
  • Taking care of a chevron at home can be very difficult at times.

It is one of the oldest dog breeds:

It is not known for sure, but it is thought that the chevchian lion dog has been with us for about 3,000 years. The Chinese lion mentioned in 11th century texts, In some of Marco Polo’s travelogues has found its place. It is thought to have emerged as a result of the mating of the Tibetan mastiff breed and the Siberian samoyed breed. It is estimated that this mating first took place in the Norwegian region, and the species then went to China with the Mongols. It is possible to see similar breed dogs in Tibetan monasteries.

The name chow chow has no special meaning:

chow chow chinese lion

Although it is known as the Chinese lion or chev-cow in our country, the name of this breed in the world is Chow Chow in English. It got this name several centuries ago. The British began trading with China in the 18th century. The Chinese word cha means mixed. Derived from this word The chow chow reduplication was used for any product from China at that time. Presumably, this breed was also referred to as chow chow when it came from China, and it eventually survived as its breed name.

Some of the physical characteristics of the chev chev breed are truly unique:

chow chow chinese lion

Cinnamon color comes to mind when many of us think of the Chinese lion dog, but according to the American Kennel Club, this breed There are also black, cinnamon, cream, intense red, white and blue – gray colors. Due to the geography they evolved from and their ancestors, their feathers are thick and long to protect themselves from the cold. Their tongues are not pink, unlike other dogs, they have a blue-black tongue as they grow up.

Their most interesting feature is undoubtedly their teeth, as many dog ​​breeds have 42 teeth. The Chinese lion dog has 44 teeth. The reason for this is not fully known. If you look carefully, you will notice that the hind legs of a chevron are straight rather than jointed. Thanks to this feature, they walk with their hips upright and look extremely imposing.

Whatever you do, never put a Chinese lion dog in water:

chow chow chinese lion

One of the most characteristic features of dogs is that they turn into a master swimmer when they jump into the water, but the chev chev is not like the dogs you know. Evolutionarily, they have lived in all kinds of geographical conditions, but They do not know what the sea, river, lakeside is. Moreover, their fur is so dense and thick that it resembles a person jumping into the water with a winter coat. Of course, because it is a dog, it can swim well, but because its fur gets wet and heavy, it is very likely to drown. So keep the Chinese lion dog out of the water and splash some water with the hose if he needs to cool off.

Don’t expect a chef to greet you at the door when you come home:

chow chow chinese lion

The chev chev is a harmonious and cute dog. However, like other dog breeds, it does not turn around its owner and expect love. Instead of meeting you at the door when you come home, lying in a corner like a cat You can find it by observing what is going on. He’s not a very playful breed, but he’ll appreciate little gestures of appreciation like scratching behind his ear when he’s doing something good.

During their time in China, they had many important duties:

chow chow chinese lion

Although we keep dogs at home as friends today, the reason why these creatures evolved with us was because they were useful. The first chevron dogs that came to China from the northern regions were subjected to rigorous training from their puppies. They were used in tasks such as hunting, guarding, pulling sledges, and herding cattle. Tang dynasty emperors had special teams of 10,000 men and 5,000 chow-chows.

Sigmund Freud used the Chinese lion dog in his sessions:

chow chow chinese lion

Known as the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud had a chocow breed dog named Jofi. this dog especially in sessions with children would be with him because he would make the participants relax. Freud described this situation in the following sentences: “Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies without mixing love and hate, unlike humans who are incapable of pure love.”

The answer to the question of whether the Chow Chow Chinese lion dog is dangerous is a bit complicated:

chow chow chinese lion

It must be admitted that all animals are somewhat dangerous by nature. Because human civilization does not apply to animals and they have a tendency to attack those they see as foreign. Like all dogs, the chow-cow Chinese lion dog can show aggressive behavior from time to time, but There is no particular aggression. Like all dogs, if he is socialized with both humans and other animals when he is still a puppy, he will avoid such tendencies. Remember, too, that she needs to get enough exercise so she doesn’t act aggressively.

Caring for a chevron at home can sometimes be very difficult:

chow chow chinese lion

The Chow Chow Chinese lion dog is as difficult to care for as any other dog breed. They have diseases specific to their breed, they need to exercise regularly, They should be fed with foods that will not disturb their stomach, and most importantly, they should be in a lifelong sociability starting from when they are puppies. They can shed like many long-haired dog breeds and even more. Therefore, if you have such concerns, think twice before having a chevron at home.

with humans for thousands of years. by talking about the interesting features of the chev chev breed Chinese lion dog We talked about the details you need to know about this breed. Do you like the chev chev breed? You can share your thoughts in the comments.

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