Information about Guinea: What kind of country is it? Quite Interesting!

Located in the extraordinarily beautiful lands of West Africa and attracting the attention of travelers and adventure seekers from all over the world, Guinea offers much more than its geographical location. You will be surprised by the information about Guinea, the cultural center located in the heart of the African continent and reflecting the spirit of the continent. If you are wondering what kind of country Guinea is, we will present points worth reading.

Although often overlooked, it definitely needs to be discovered. Social and political structure of Guinea, also draws attention as before/after independence. The country, the symbol of resilience and hope, has much more than you think.

Unique Little known aspects of Guinea Your perspective on the country may change after reading information about it and its people.

Information about Guinea:

  • Guinea’s economy has a structure based on natural resources.
  • Literacy is very low.
  • Guinea’s history is full of rich and complex events.
  • French is used as the official language.
  • Guinea flag; An important symbol representing the country’s history, culture and ideals.
  • Guinea chimpanzees know how to use tools.
  • It is like a paradise with its unique geographical features and natural wonders.
  • Guinea’s cultural heritage is woven with deep roots of music and dance.
  • It is home to the fourth largest mosque in Africa.
  • Healers are quite popular.
  • Women continue to be circumcised.

Guinea’s economy has a structure based on natural resources.

guinea economy

The country is one of the world’s largest producers of bauxite (the main ore of aluminium). One quarter of the world’s bauxite reserves and more than 25 billion tons It is known to have high quality iron ore.

And also precious minerals such as gold and diamonds and agricultural products are also important parts of the economy. Agriculture continues to be the source of income for a large part of the population. Although rice is one of the most grown foods, many types of products such as coffee beans, peaches, pineapples, mangoes and bananas are also grown in the country.

Literacy is very low.

information about guinea

Adults living in Guinea literacy rate is 41%. Primary education is compulsory for only 6 years. After this training, children can leave education if they wish, and many of them prefer to help their families. The reason for this is actually the country’s high poverty rate.

Guinea’s history is full of rich and complex events.

Interesting information about Guinea

history of guineaIt dates back to 30 thousand years ago. The country, where there is evidence of farming, was part of the Mali Empire in the 13th and 15th centuries, and was conquered first by the Portuguese and later by the Portuguese in the 15th century. To the British and French is hosting.

The country becomes a French colony in 1891 and becomes part of the French West African Federation in 1906.

Guinea, which gained its independence in 1958, has experienced many political and social transformations since then. And since that day military coups It has gone through a long period of instability during which it was dominant.

French is used as the official language.

French is just the basic tool in education, management and international communication. However, spoken across the country More than 20 local languages ​​and dialects is available. Guinean languages The most common ones are Maninka and Susu. This diversity is considered an indicator of Guinea’s cultural richness and appears as a reflection of the coexistence of different ethnic groups in daily life.

Guinea flag; An important symbol representing the country’s history, culture and ideals.

guinea flag

guinea flagconsists of three different colors arranged in horizontal stripes: red, yellow and green. Red represents the blood shed in the country’s struggle for independence; yellow, the sun and the mineral riches of the country; Green is the symbol of the country’s natural beauty and agriculture. Guinea flag, Africa’s post-independence era Reflecting the spirit of hope and freedom It has a design.

Guinea chimpanzees know how to use tools.

What kind of country is Guinea?

Chimpanzees in the Nimba Mountains can use tools to make food smaller. This was the first time in 2009 treculia fruit It seems that stones and wooden cleavers were used to break it into smaller pieces.

It is like a paradise with its unique geographical features and natural wonders.

Guinea is a colony of which country?

Guinea is one of the indispensable stops for those who want to discover the fascinating beauties of West Africa. Especially Mount Nimbais one of the main factors that make this place special. to the UNESCO World Heritage List This mountain, which has been included, is known for hosting endemic plant and animal species. Scientists consider Mount Nimba to be one of the richest regions in the world in terms of biodiversity.

Another natural wonder is Fouta Djallon plateau. This region literally transports its visitors to another world with its fascinating views of streams and waterfalls. Kambadaga, the most famous waterfall of the plateau, has a beauty that amazes those who see it. This waterfall, flowing through lush green valleys, Guinea’s nature tourism One of the most important points in terms of

coast of guinea It also offers unique opportunities for those who want to discover the mysteries of the undersea world. In this region of the Atlantic Ocean, it is possible to encounter colorful coral reefs and various marine creatures. Especially for diving enthusiasts, the coast of Guinea stands out as an area full of undiscovered treasures.

Guinea’s cultural heritage is woven with deep roots of music and dance.

Traditional instruments such as djembe and balafon, Guinean music indispensable elements. These instruments hold an important place in the social and cultural life of the country. Music and dance play a central role in the daily lives of Guineans, at all kinds of social events, from weddings to funerals.

It is home to the fourth largest mosque in Africa.

Islam, the religion of Guinea, prevails in approximately 90 percent of the country’s population. Conakry Mosque, opened in 1982, is the fourth largest mosque in Africa and the largest mosque in sub-Saharan Africa, with a capacity of 25 thousand people.

Healers are quite popular.

Almost 80 percent of Guineans seek healing first when they are sick. in traditional medicine practitioners calling. Many of these healers claim to have divine powers. Especially when the country is caught In the Ebola epidemic These people became even more popular. So, you can imagine how the disease spreads further.

Women continue to be circumcised.

  What's Guinea like?

According to statistics, 98 percent of women in Guinea undergo circumcision. Ethnic groups, religion and culture support this Places with the highest rates of female circumcision in the world one is Guinea.

Besides these features that seem strange to us, Guinea is actually a country rich with its history and culture. The resources it has show how rich the country actually is, but when you look at the management system in the country, it becomes clear what they cannot benefit from. If you are a person who is passionate about exploring different parts of the world, you can add Guinea to your list of countries and experience new cultures. You can influence your perspective.

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