How were the Egyptian Pyramids Built? – The Secret of the Pyramid Shape

Pyramid structures are one of the greatest secrets of the ancient Egyptian world. We examined the secrets of these architectural wonders and the way they were built.

The Egyptian pyramids, which defy millennia, are structures that impress even people who are not interested in Egyptian history. There are still many unknowns about these imposing structures that have been inherited from the ancient world. Although researchers have tried to solve many mysteries, unopened secrets still keeps our question marks alive.

The Egyptian pyramids, which are thought to have been built about 4500 years ago, are very difficult structures to build even today, let alone that period, and it is estimated that there are more than a hundred of these structures in Egypt. pharaohs, to immortalize their names. These structures, which are considered to be mausoleums, hold many mysteries and information about ancient Egypt.

When all the pyramids are examined, the most prominent ones are of course one of the 7 wonders of the world The Pyramids of Giza, also known as Giza. These three pyramids, side by side, and the Sphinx Statue in the same region are among the structures that Egyptian researchers focus on the most and attract the most attention.

Where exactly are the Egyptian Pyramids?

Egyptian pyramids, whose number is estimated to be more than a hundred, scattered all over the country cases. The Pyramids of Giza, which we will talk about in particular, are located in the Giza region of Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

Considered one of the 7 wonders of the world, the pyramids of Giza consist of three great pyramids. First, Also called the Great Pyramid Cheops pyramid. The second is the Pyramid of Khafre, which is slightly smaller than the Great Pyramid. The third is the Pyramid of Mikerinos, and next to these three pyramids is the Sphinx Statue in all its majesty.

The names of the Pyramids of Giza and the reasons for their construction

Great Pyramid or Pyramid of Cheops:

Great Pyramid, also known as the Pyramid of Cheops, or the Pyramid of Khufu, named after the pharaoh that was built in his name. It is the largest and most magnificent of the Pyramids of Giza, which is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world. Great Pyramid. Estimated to have ruled in 2551 BC, Pharaoh Khufu was built in his name.

This structure, thought to have been designed by the architect Hemiunu, has a length of 138 meters and world’s largest pyramid It is considered. Although it is now 138 meters, it is thought that the original length of this structure was 146.7 meters and it eroded a little over time.

It is a product of the Egyptian culture, which believed in life after death and regarded pharaohs as divine or even as a god. Great Pyramid. In the name of Pharaoh Khufu, this pyramid is a kind of palace to live in after death was built as However, like every monarch, he may have wanted a structure that would engrave his name into eternity after he died, and he may have built this pyramid.

Khafre Pyramid:

The Pyramid of Khafre or the Pyramid of Khafre with the original name of the pharaoh on whose behalf it was built. It is the second largest pyramid of the Pyramids of Giza, which is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world. Khafre Pyramid. from the Pyramid of Cheops slightly smaller but this difference is not that big as it is built on a higher hill. It is estimated that Pharaoh Khafre ruled around 2520 BC.

It is thought that this 136-meter pyramid was built by his son Mikerinos as an afterlife palace in the name of Kahfre, the son of Khufu. Besides this magnificent structure, Also a link between Khafre and Sphinx Statue is presumed to be.

It is believed that the model of the Sphinx Statue, located right next to the Khafre Pyramid, was the pharaoh Khafre. According to this view, this statue and pyramid must have been built recently. Although no pyramid as majestic as the Great Pyramid was built, Sphinx Statue in which pharaoh Khafre gives his face Thanks to her, she has been truly unforgettable and her face has become one of the most recognizable faces.

Mikerinos Pyramid:

Although it is a little small compared to other pyramids, it has a height of 62 meters, taller than many buildings today. to this structure It was started during the life of Mikerinos however, the completion of the pyramid was during the reign of his son Shepseskaf.

This pyramid, in which the name of Mikerinos, who is estimated to have reigned in 2490 BC, is immortalized, has a different feature from the others. In the studies, it was seen that the burial room was below, This is not the case with other pyramids.. Although the reason for this is not known exactly, it is estimated that it is an experimental architectural work or it was made in this way on a will.

The most remarkable features of the Pyramids of Giza:


  • The stones from which the pyramids were built are thought to weigh 20 tons each.
  • When a simple calculation is made, the construction period of the pyramids is calculated as 664 years, but in reality, the pyramids were completed in periods ranging from 20 to 30 years.
  • The total area of ​​the Great Pyramid is equal to the square of the pyramid’s height.
  • Among the Pyramids of Giza, the only pyramid that can be fully visited is the Pyramid of Khafre.
  • The distance from the Great Pyramid to the center of the earth and the North Pole is exactly equal.
  • The apex of the Cheops Pyramid represents the North Pole point, and the circumference represents the length of the Equator.
  • The Pyramids of Giza were built around 3 thousand BC. So they’ve been standing for thousands of years.
  • There are no writings inside these pyramids.
  • The distance between the earth and the sun, which was impossible to calculate astronomically at that time, is obtained when the height of the Great Pyramid is multiplied by 1 billion.
  • For all the pyramids, it is cool in summer and warm in winter.

Still unsolved mysteries of the Pyramids of Giza:

mysteries of the egyptian pyramids

  • The sun hits the burial chambers inside the pyramids twice a year. The first is the day the pharaoh was born, for which the pyramid was built, and the second is the day the pharaoh ascended the throne.
  • What happened in most of the rooms inside is unknown. Researchers either get lost in the pyramid or come back to where they are by turning a few turns in the same places.
  • Devices such as sonar and radar do not work inside the pyramids.
  • Small wounds on the body seem to heal faster inside the pyramids.
  • The waters put into the pyramids are found purified within a few days.
  • Radioactive materials have been found in the pyramids for an unknown reason.
  • The clean waters put inside the pyramids become so full of nutrients within a few weeks that they can be used almost as a face cream.
  • When you put a container of milk into the pyramid, you will see that it has fermented and turned into yogurt after a few days.
  • The food left in the pyramid appears to be mummified almost on its own, with no foul odor.
  • Investigators who first entered the burial chamber lost their lives for unknown reasons in the following years.

Let’s come to the main topic: How were the Egyptian Pyramids built?

how was it done

The Pyramids of Giza and all of the Egyptian pyramids are all human-made, although the answer is aliens is more pleasant for everyone. with engineering wonder techniques learned over many years and made with superior architectural perspectives.

It is known that structures similar to the pyramid idea were built until 5 thousand years before the Pyramids of Giza, but these structures are more simple and rectangular in shape. During the reign of Pharaoh Djoser, who is thought to have ruled around 2630 BC. This type of multi-layered and complex pyramids It is thought to be under construction.

Twisted Pyramid

Of course, these magnificent structures, which have survived to the present day, were not built in one day. There are many pyramid trials that are thought to have been made during the time of the pharaoh Snefru around 2575 BC. There are some remnants of these, but these structures are known as the ‘bent pyramid’structures with many architectural and engineering errors during construction.

But the architects never gave up after this mistake and started new searches. Maybe they thought about the design mistakes made for years and now known as the Red Pyramid they built the building. Although it is not in a position to compete with the pyramids of Giza, the Great Pyramid was built in the light of the knowledge gained while constructing this pyramid.

How were stones weighing tons moved?


The story of transporting stones weighing tons can be said to be an engineering marvel and a gift of nature. The stones used in the construction of the Great Pyramid did not actually come from as far away as thought. The pyramid was built in the southern part of the region These stones were brought from a quarry. Researchers discovered this condition in 1985. Although it is not known exactly which quarry was used for the Khafre Pyramid, it is certain that this quarry was used for the Great Pyramid.

It can be said that nature helped when these stones were transported from the quarry to the construction site. Corn sands, by their very nature, become slippery when wet. on the sand installed skid system and, thanks to the soaked desert sand, the stones were easily moved to the construction site with half the force of normal labor.

But there is still an unexplained issue. How the stones brought from the quarry to the construction site were lifted up is still not solved. It is thought that they were lifted with a ramp system, but how could a ramp that could be installed at that time carry such weights? an incomprehensible secret. With their mysterious chambers, mind-blowing construction methods and still unsolved mysteries, the Egyptian pyramids are still one of the favorite subjects of researchers.

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